Anyone else with the A Level results today?

You really are the last person who should be preaching about academic best practice :o.

That really isn't enough if you want to get above a C.

At least I did better than an E and got into Uni. The AQA text books cover everything you need to get full marks on the Exam if you bother to memorize the entire thing.

That really isn't enough if you want to get above a C.

I did the same for AS Geography and got a B.
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S'maths for ya. Cambridge would've been the same offer, but I didn't get past the interview :p Bristol is an AAB, so if I don't get in warwick, I'll be there for sure :D

Warwick want A*A*A and good step mark? I didn't know Warwick was hard to get into haha? Oxford requires the same as Warwick in that case. :p
Are you sure? All I've ever done for sciences is to read the revision guide and do past papers.

I banged AS biology last year, and unit 4 this january.

You're clever though.

Honestly I don't see how anyone can get a B or A at A level by just reading the book and then doing some past papers a couple of weeks before exams.

I try do as many of the questions in the textbook, I do all of the end of unit questions/ mixed exercise questions.
Honestly I don't see how anyone can get a B or A at A level by just reading the book and then doing some past papers a couple of weeks before exams.

Good memory. The same memory that enables me to rapidly memorize every note to play in a Piano piece and play without the score.
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Which unis are those?

As I already tried to explain without trying to sound negative, Art courses generally dont require anything much in terms of grades if you can demonstrate capable ability through an audition or a portfolio.

I dont believe that it would be possible to get any of the sciences / maths / engineering / law with anything that low.
Lol A-Levels, i came out with CCE and im on track for a First at uni, they really dont do anything but get you to the next step :p

edit: I should point out im doing Computer and Network tech at Northumbria which required a C in maths when i did my application. I was the only one who did maths at a-level and i got an E in it
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No they help to get you to the next step and the next step after that. Getting bad grades means you will have to go to a bad University and it will be harder to land a decent job.
Don't think so. It could have been a few years before someone took a course at uni, or perhaps their A level teaching wasn't so good, so they might not be as prepared as they could. The entire first year won't reteach you the stuff, nope. But I do believe they'll spend a bit going over it to refresh you.

And in Scotland, I believe an Advanced Higher is essentially a first year uni course?

It's a bit weird comparing England and Scottish universities, a lot of folk with A Levels will get straight into 2nd year at a Scottish university. The same is true for those with good advanced highers in the relevant subject.
Lolgrades? In that case, lolbaduni. Who's gonna be employed out of these 2: Somebody with a first in a wishy washy degree from a bad uni or someone with a 2:1 with a well respected degree from a respectable uni?

People are complaining that uni is a terrible idea. Yeah it is; if you do a silly degree at a no name university. I'm sorry for putting it bluntly. If you don't get at least B's at A Level I wouldn't bother applying for university as you won't get in a good enough uni for it to be worthwhile and to have a high chance of getting a job after it. If you do a solid degree, I might be a bit biased here but (maths, science, engineering) or even stuff like, English, Law, Economics at a good university then I'd say job prospects will be pretty good for you. Certainly the case with my brother.
Once you get your degree, no one cares what you got in your A levels.

I went to a low requirement uni, yet 90% of its students who manage to get a first end up going straight into postgraduate employment or further studies.

I'd rather wonder what went wrong with a person who was clever enough to get into Cambridge and only managed to get a 2.1, rather than think theres something wrong with someone that pulls of a first pass from any other university on a similar course.

Lol A-Levels, i came out with CCE and im on track for a First at uni, they really dont do anything but get you to the next step :p

Entirely true. Theres absolutely no such thing as a 'bad uni', ALL universities that have passed the requirement to award undergrad and post grad degrees, and are recognised as valid places for research are up to the exact same standard as one another.

The only difference then is student performance and what grade you manage to get.

Get a first pass from any straight science degree at any uni in the UK, and you will preferred over anyone with a 2.1 from any other uni for post grad courses or employment.
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They are not the same degree though. Why do you think Cambridge and Oxford are so well respected? The degrees are probably the hardest in the country hence why a 2:1 in a good degree from one of those is respected more than a first from nowhere. Maths at Oxford or Maths at Cumbria. Both people get a 2:1. You do the math (no pun intended :p) of to who is going to have better job prospects.
Aberystwyth, Bangor, Kent, Derby, Leicester, John Moores
Do you know of any universities near London, other than Kent. :D

Get a first pass from any straight science degree at any uni in the UK, and you will preferred over anyone with a 2.1 from any other uni for post grad courses or employment.
This isn't true, a 2.1 from Oxford or Cambridge for e.g. will almost guarantee you a job over someone with a 1st from a 'bad' university.
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Theres no such thing as a 'bad' university.

A 2.1 from Oxford or Cambridge may guarantee you a job over someone with a 2.1 from another university, but not if the other person has a 1st and also manages a lot better in their interview, assuming of course that the subjects are the same.

All universities require you to learn content from the latest text books and journal articles, the content that is taught at any of them is identical, and limited only to what articles you have available from your journals.

All the people I know that got a first from what I studied got right into well paid jobs or postgrad training / courses and jobs later, same with people who got a 2.1, straight onto their masters degrees and now working in the field that they studied with no difficulty at all.
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