Anyone getting a Zune for Christmas....

FrK` said:
However doesnt it show you a women having a orgasm, if you get a error?

nope :
Zunes are nothing special in my opinion, to little to late. The iPod has and IMO will always have a large presence in the MP3 player market, people know and are happy with iPods. I don't think the Zune is that bad of an MP3 player, though why did they choose brown as a colour, WHY?! The Zune's interface and styling are ok and the idea of WiFi is good but it's not implemented well enough. All songs are DRMed before sending, only play 3 times or for 3 days (whichever comes first) You can't use WiFi to sync and you can't even send videos.
There's just not the 'WOW' factor with the Zune. It has less battery than the iPod, it isn't as good looking (although it's more resistant to scratching), it's screen is larger yet lacks the resolution and the software is just appalling. Why did they choose not to support PlayForSure? Madness. All Apple need to do to trump the Zune is add a FM, or even digital radio, add Wifi and/or bluetooth and release their much rumoured Touch Screen iPod.

*Pats iPod*
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Meatball said:
FM, or even digital radio, add Wifi and/or bluetooth and release their much rumoured Touch Screen iPod.

*Pats iPod*
Oh yes that would make one heck of an iPod. Not so bothered about radio but bluetooth?:D

And as much as a touch screen iPod sounds good I'm not sure I'd really need that. Isn't this touch screen idea meant to allow the iPod to be use in a widescreen position for playing films? I don't really usemy iPod for this, just audio.
Quick think of something thats better than the zune that isnt an ipod. Omg every mp3 player known to man. :p
KizZ said:
Worst as in poorly written or a crappy product? :p
Poorly written and MS hating or Apple loving, I'm not sure. Not the kind of thing I read to make an informed decision about a piece of hardware.

It does look like Apple have got in there with the iPod/iTunes combo, and very succesful brand name marketing. Nobody knows what an "MP3 player" is any more.

I'm not sure it's a good thing for the market. Though I've got to hand it to them that, for the moment, they deserve the market share. The test will be when/if the market stagnates and they milk it instead of being innovative.

Right now I'd go for the Creative video alternative though, but it's close. A widescreen, touch iPod would win it though. The first company to get a good, touchscreen player will have a strong advantage.
yer_averagejoe said:
I can't stress this enough, Iriver 4tw.

I've never tried an iriver but I might try one soon. Do they support AAC (.m4a unprotected)? All my music is formated in AAC by choice.
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