Anyone going to be buying £65 PC games?

15 Sep 2009
Square Enix seems to be one of the first companies adopting the $70 price point for this generation of games with Final Fantasy VII Intergrade supposedly selling for £65 on the Epic Game Store - is this too much for a PC game?

I recently bought Forza Horizon 5 at launch for £50 on Steam and that kinda feels like the most I'd ever pay for a game (notwithstanding a decent physical special-edition release of something).

Given that PC games often get quickly discounted on Steam etc. and the competitive market for grey-market keys, I'm wondering if a lot less PC gamers are going to be purchasing new releases at their launch prices?
i have such a backlog of games that i dont need to. in principle i would be prepared to pay that IF it was for a complete experience with all future DLC included and no microtransactions etc.

even paid cosmetic stuff ruins games imo... back in the day earning cosmetics were added into games as in game goals to complete and this actually improved the games. now you are expected to buy them, so sure, if it was a game i really wanted i would pay a little extra to have all that stuff in the game earned through gameplay..

the problem is such is the way of it, we will likely be expected to pay these increased prices AND still have loot boxes and huge amounts of DLC which should have been in the game from the off sold at a premium.

PS @Bug One i have a 3090 but through necessity, not choice... and i absolutely moan at paying over the odds for stuff ;) (but hypothetically given a choice of RRP £70, vs RRP £40 with 4 DLCs at £10 each and MTX loot boxes woven into a game, then for me a 1 hit of £70 would be the lesser of 2 evils)

even then the wait for a sale brigade would still be ok, because 6 months after launch that £70 complete title may then be reduced to £25. still more perhaps than the £10-£15 you can get games for now 6 months after launch, but if it was still for a complete experience i would argue for many that would still be better value.

not everyone of course. some people are ok getting half a game if it costs very little. but knowing i dont have a full game does remove much of the satisfaction of me playing a game... even if i never get to that extra content. what can i say............ i think i am a little OCD (or maybe just weird ;) )
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Nope. Never buy games anywhere near that price. Actually one exception is MSFS2020 as I was very eager to get that.

Generally speaking though I'll wait a few months and buy if for less than half the price.
Don't we already have those kind of games? e.g. the "super deluxe" versions of a good number of games, "micro transaction" games, not sure what to call WoT, maybe "macro transaction" as their premium tanks are stupidly expensive for the actual time that it probably takes to develop.
Don't we already have those kind of games? e.g. the "super deluxe" versions of a good number of games, "micro transaction" games, not sure what to call WoT, maybe "macro transaction" as their premium tanks are stupidly expensive for the actual time that it probably takes to develop.

Well, the 'Deluxe' Edition of FFVII on PC is going to be £90 (!) :eek:

Nope. Never buy games anywhere near that price. Actually one exception is MSFS2020 as I was very eager to get that.

Yeah, I paid around £110 for the hardcopy* Premium Deluxe Edition of FS2020 as it was the effectively the same price as the digital version - I don't regret the purchase as you do get a lot of extra content but that's the exception for me rather than the rule - typically I wait for stuff to be discounted on Steam.

*Incidentally, I don't recommended the hardcopy version - you have to install it all from multiple DVDs then register it on the Microsoft Store then download the whole damn thing again :rolleyes:
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Nope. Never buy games anywhere near that price. Actually one exception is MSFS2020 as I was very eager to get that.

Generally speaking though I'll wait a few months and buy if for less than half the price.
MSFS was actually worth that though. The amount of development that went into that game and is still going into it without any extra charges other than add ons, makes it worth every penny.

And it’s not really just a game is it?
I will not be buying any PC game for £65.

I struggle to consider paying £45/£50 for a game let alone £65!

Like others, Ill either wait until sales or play other games and wait for the price to drop.

The prices of games is 1 of the reasons I do not get consoles as they never seem to come down in price regardless of age.

After Outriders (paid £40 for this) I will not be buying a game made by Square Enix or at least look in to the game fully before buying. They had a number of delays for patches (3/4 weeks) and when they did come out they broke something else.
Nah, not for the most part. If there's a stonking game that I really really want to play (Mass Effect Trilogy/RE8 have been the only ones this year) then I'll pay full price for them. The days are long gone though where that happens regularly, I'm happy to wait for a sale and play something else in the meantime. Game Pass is great for that.
Nah, not for the most part. If there's a stonking game that I really really want to play (Mass Effect Trilogy/RE8 have been the only ones this year) then I'll pay full price for them. The days are long gone though where that happens regularly, I'm happy to wait for a sale and play something else in the meantime. Game Pass is great for that.
Ironically OP paid £50 for FH5. He could have got 6 months game pass for that and had FH5 and plenty more to play.
Ironically OP paid £50 for FH5. He could have got 6 months game pass for that and had FH5 and plenty more to play.

Yeah, Game Pass is a great deal if you're fully invested in Windows - personally I'm more invested in Linux and only dip into Windows occasionally (specifically for gaming) so all my gaming purchases are on Steam (which I can use on both). Also, I'm not into subscription services (the only 'subs' I have are for rent, water, electricity and internet :D) though again, I can't knock the value for Game Pass.
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