Anyone going to be buying £65 PC games?

Civ6 I spent a lot of money on at launch for the best edition I could get, but for the 100s and 100s of hours I have spent on it I have more than my money back. Generally, 40-45 is my limit for a great (at least expectations to be) games.
Hard to justify spending AAA money with the vast catalogue of Epic Store freebies, humble bundle games and random bargains I’ve yet to play. If I am desperate for a new game I can usually VPN somewhere to get it cheap.
I'm in my mid 40's now so gaming time is already about 1-2hrs in the evenings, and even then I'm not always at the PC.
£60+ is a pie take for your average title that'll be no doubt based on MTX's, and require a ton of early updates to fix issues that the devs/publishers decided to ignore because "hey, those fickle clown gamers have pre-ordered for stupid money again boss!".

I've got hundreds of games on my Steam, Ubisoft Play, Epic catalogue now accumulated and unplayed and I'd rather play older games that were 'perfect' ie Alien Isolation, Dead Space 2/3, Soma, TitanFall 2 all of which I still haven't touched.

Dyling Light 2 is the only problem. I am a massive fan of the first game and it's developers so I am seriously tempted to do a day one purchase.
Nope. Absolutely not. Never.

I've not paid full price for a pc game since the start of the 00s. Why on earth would you? Have a bit of patience and get it at a heavily discounted price.
Dependant on the game I would be happy to spend £60+ on it just to play it on day one.

I'm far too invested in The Witcher, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Knights of the Old Republic to not play any future launches on release day. Other games, I'd happily wait for sales.
For a deluxe edition of a game I really want and that comes with all the future DLCs I may do but not for a base game. Though if the inflation keeps going at current rate it will not be long before this becomes the norm.
I think I paid £50 for MW2019. I tend to grind the same game for a long time so don't buy many games (only 1 every few years really) so it's not a big expenditure for me. I don't ever pre-order games though - spending that kind of money on something based on a few trailers and some hype is just a bad idea. At least wait until the game is released and you can read some real reviews / feedback. I bought MW after playing during a free weekend and decided it was a well made game that was worth my time. Shame they've managed to break it several times recently though :D

So yeah I'd probably pay £65 for a game, but only one which I was sure was good.
Does seem a lot no matter how good the game is.

Do wonder if this will fuel piracy, although not right. I reckon it will do...
Tripple AAA games are letting me down with their AAA price tags, BF2042 polished dog turd and Cyberpunk are two games thatI have bought which turned out to be over hyped and barely in alpha state. Im going to try and stick to idie games and not buy games on AAA on lauch anymore.
I'm another 40+ gamer that gets a few hours a week play time. I have a bit of a rule that I don't buy games until they're under £15. Like others, I've got quite the backlog to get through.
AAA games today are actually far cheaper than they should be taking into account inflation. I bought Tie Fighter in 1994 for £55. Taking inflation into account that would be £111 in todays money. MSFS2020 is the only "correctly" priced game at the moment.
Games have been selling for £50+ for ages its nothing new. Borderlands 3 was $59.99 for the base game. Eventually they come down sub £30 and just buy them then. Problem is people are paying this ridiculous price so Publishers will keep selling at that price. They must think console owners are willing to pay that price so PC owners can too.

If you think about it there is no "competition" as such to drive down the price. If a game is an Epic or Steam exclusive for a year they can charge what they like and you either pay it or dont. Eventually you get keys on grey key seller sites and some of the more reputable ones. Price usually comes down as sales slow.
I see that some people say that they get 100s of hours of gameplay from some games, yes you do get good value then but there is always a risk that you might not like the game and get bored after just few hours which is the case for me a lot of times. Also a lot of recent AAA games are not ready at release, better to wait for few months until the game gets patched and buy at some sale which get get a lot of all the time.
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