Anyone got a phase unit under an Antec p180?

matt100 said:
shhhhhhhhhhhh you'll upset his feelings :p

Rofl :D Gotta admit though a quiet phase unit - as quiet as watercooling that is, sounds very appealing. Hope you get what your looking for Easy ;)
marscay said:
phase will never be as quiet as 'quiet' watercooling easy

the condenser and compressor both need a certain amount of airflow, i'd say at least 60-70cfm on each fan.....too little and your compressor will overheat and shutoff.

add the noise/vibration of the compressor and it just isn't quiet.

phase is a novelty, bet ya 50 quid even if you get the unit quieter you'll be jack of it within a few used to be worth the gains for the hassle ...these days with c2d's hitting sub 4ghz on water with low-moderate volts it's just not worth the hassle except if you want to waste your life being a benching tool getting hard-ons watching super-pi :p

Look here young man! :p

Its not about watching Super PI and benching is it?


Its about a hobby,a project an interest....

I have been in talks with mole...I have a thread on XS


Mole assures me its no biggy with the right mixture of gas and compressor subzero temps can be achieved with extremely low noise...

I'm gonna pull it off and you can all eat ya words

So there! :D
easyrider said:
Still don't get it,

even after a google lol :p

I think it's a mis-spelling of the instruction a 'security forces' dog-handler would give his canine if he wanted him to go for the groin. I think he was egging you on...
the honest truth is... silence it and I'll be there right with ya mate

in fact, in my experience a chilly1 phase is actually easier to fit than a watercooling system.

Wrapping watercooling round it for you nb/sb/ram and gfx is slightly more difficult.
matt100 said:
Wrapping watercooling round it for you nb/sb/ram and gfx is slightly more difficult.

Thats where the fun lies though :p

(Ohh forst time in many months i've ventured in here)
Marvt74 said:
Thats where the fun lies though :p

(Ohh forst time in many months i've ventured in here)


ghosts I tells ya! GHOSTS!

Did I ever tell you of the time thet was a legend round these parts called marvt74? He used to haunt the forums.. wandering round wailing and generally making a nuisance of himself...
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