Anyone got any weird Phobias

I hate it when a volume is on an uneven number, if my dvds/ps2 games get mixed up and if my zen garden getting messed up. Oh and im scared of touching suede i cant breathe properly if i touch it :confused: :(
cant stand lifts where i cant see out of (i.e any lift that isnt like the glass ones at metro centre)

i can only just push myself to get on with me mates
Elastic bands, not be personally but my friend, she wont come near me if ive got an elastic band around my wrist or in my pocket.... If I put it in the bin, she has to get someone else to change the binbag before she'll believe that it's gone.

The times i've used that against her is just funny.

I once bought an elastic band ball to her house, just bouncing it up and down and she didnt realise it was made from elastic bands then I said "catch" and threw it her way, she caught it and saw what it was and went absolutely skitso - Thinking back, it probably was rather harsh but funny non-the-less. Atleast she sees the funny side of it :D
megakid said:
Elastic bands, not be personally but my friend, she wont come near me if ive got an elastic band around my wrist or in my pocket.... If I put it in the bin, she has to get someone else to change the binbag before she'll believe that it's gone.

The times i've used that against her is just funny.

I once bought an elastic band ball to her house, just bouncing it up and down and she didnt realise it was made from elastic bands then I said "catch" and threw it her way, she caught it and saw what it was and went absolutely skitso - Thinking back, it probably was rather harsh but funny non-the-less. Atleast she sees the funny side of it :D

heres a good question to ask her:
what would she do when having sex? rubbers have a laggy band in them ;)
And dead insects. Not live ones just dead ones. Crunchy little dead husks. Yuck!
Yeah me too its weird, i can pick massive live spiders up but i don't like dead insects, they're mank of the highest order. I once removed a fascia board only unveil hundreds of dead insects :eek: , i learned how so slide down ladders on that day, then ran off down the road, IVE BREATHED THEM, IVE BREATHED THEM INNNNN! :( . If a spider ran up my leg id leave it for fear of crushing it, if there's anything i hate more its insect gut's.

I haven't read all of this thread but I need to point out the difference between a phobia and a fear. Some of you may remember my posts about my eldest daughter who was diagnosed with a PHOBIA of frogs and not a fear. She then went through about 18 months of weekly sessions and came out cured. 99% of you will have a fear of something but definitely not a phobia. If she saw a frog she would be physically sick and her whole day ruined with her crying her eyes out until she went to sleep. This also applied to cartoon frogs eg the frog in Shrek2. We were in the cinema and she was sick over herself and was impossible to calm down. If ever she heard the word frog it would bring the same results. We had to make sure for about 4 years that frogs didn't come into her life by vetting all presents, cards etc but obviously things got through. Her 16th birthday was completely ruined by a thoughtless cousin because he mentioned frogs at a garden centre he went. I think you get the picture.

After about 3 months the first task was to put the word FROG up in 4 places in the house that she passed regulary until she became comfortable with it. After that it was pictures of cartoon frogs. Then cartoon frog toys and so on.
It took about 6 months for her to say the word FROG. Eventually she went to a garden centre with the psychiatrist and looked at a pond full of frogs without flinching and she is cured. She doesn't like frogs but they don't bother her. Now thats a phobia.
_dogma_ said:
Oh and im scared of touching suede i cant breathe properly if i touch it :confused: :(

Same here, it makes me gasp for breath :o

I can't rub pieces of polystyrene together either (or spell it).

I don't mind fingernails down a chalk board though :cool:

Oh this is a really weird one:

Gloves made from cotton. Wearing them is bad enough but when someone takes them off using their TEETH! Eurghh the feeling of that is minging, I could never do it.
Mark A said:
Yeah me too its weird, i can pick massive live spiders up but i don't like dead insects, they're mank of the highest order. I once removed a fascia board only unveil hundreds of dead insects :eek: , i learned how so slide down ladders on that day, then ran off down the road, IVE BREATHED THEM, IVE BREATHED THEM INNNNN! :( . If a spider ran up my leg id leave it for fear of crushing it, if there's anything i hate more its insect gut's.


At last someone else!

I once walked into a spider's web and had all these little dead things in my hair. How I didn't scream my head off I don't know!
Not really phobias apart from down escalators...i have panic attack if i think i'm going to haveto go on them butit's getting better as i get older i just get white knuckles from holding on really tight to the sides.

Things i don't like...
Wooden Spoons

The really odd one is vegetables, don't get me wrong i like them i just can't stand the way they feel when i bite into them i can only have them in puree form such as soup. blueCAT witnessed this happeniing with a strawberry i tried to eat :( i wanted to eat it too.
Dad - Snakes
Mum - Rodents
Sister - Moths & Butterflies
Me - None

... some people from these forums will be thinking 'None? oh really?!'.

The no photos thing is not a phobia, I avoid having my photo taken as I do not take a good photo. I look like a big ugly heffer in them (no saying that's becuase you are one' please, even if it's true!) :p One or two select individuals have been allowed photos, so I'm not scared of them :)
My brother has a fear of spiders, no a phobia i wouldn't say but really hates them and wont go near one. I was going to borrow a mates pet tarantula and put it in out room for a bit. Then for a bit of a joke take the spider out of the tank and leave the top slightly ajar, then wake him up and point out that the spider is at large :D .

Frogs, I'm a confirmed ranidaphobe.
It's not normally a problem but you'd be surprised how many times the monsters get used in adverts & stuff:(
millipedes oh jesus god damn christ millipedes


aargh christ no it's all over my face get it off get it off

i guess this is more a rational hatred of disgusting things that a phobia but nm
Was reading the Metro paper the other day and someone had a phobia of peas (yes little green round things that you eat). She wouldnt even go to the frozen area in a supermarket incase there was a split bag of peas lol

Personally sponges, hate the feel of then when they are dry, avoid at all costs
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bakes0310 said:
certain textures it just goes right through me :(
YES!!! me too. synthetic wooly jumpers make me shudder uncontrollably.
if i end up touching one with my teeth, i endup on the floor, about 3 mins later... :eek:
Aod said:
YES!!! me too. synthetic wooly jumpers make me shudder uncontrollably.
if i end up touching one with my teeth, i endup on the floor, about 3 mins later... :eek:


I dive away when I have to touch that stuff, I can not stand it at all!
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