Well mine arrived and given it a quick go. Initial impression is it's sharp, very sharp. No decentering issues so it's good across the frame but softer at the extreme edges as expected. There is a but though, with VC off i get sharper images than with VC on. I've read a few reports of this and some say after a short break in period it corrects itself. Basically it consistently adds a hint of blur with the VC enabled (hand held, not on a tripod). It's not bad but at a pixel peeping level i can tell it's there.
I'll give it a day or two to see what happens with the VC and perform some more exhaustive test with it.
What kind of shutter speeds? At higher shutter speeds VC/IS/VR will add blur and it should be switched off. Actually., VC/IS/VR should be switched whenever possible and only enabled when necessary.