I didn't say it was going to end well, just that I expect the money printing to continue, if not accelerate and so a £500 GPU year will have to cost £575 next year just to stand still. The central banks will keep telling you that inflation is 1.5% while the prices of everything just rockets away. Helicopter money is a vote winner, people will love debt forgivness too IMO - US is already talking about writing off student loans...
And long term, tech is going to permanently eat a load of jobs - especially when minimum wages get hiked, we'll just see more self-scan/phone-ordering anywhere where you can drop a body, they'll put in a machine. And it's probably far easier to keep paying folk not to work with freshly printed money than suffer the consequenes of the mass unemployment.
Until you end up in a Zimbabwe, Argentina or Venezuela scenario and people can't afford to buy food due to the Fiat monopoly money being worth nothing.
All this drive for job replacement and low pay is due to speculation. The only way to increase margins is to cut costs and decrease pay. So you have worse pay, lower r and d spend,worse products which are less and less repairable, products which break more, production shifted to countries like China,etc.
This is why we are entering a pollution time bomb,why countries like Japan,SK and China,etc have become economic powers and why we depend on them. Nobody questions why we depend on TSMC and why there is no European or US companies which can be used.
It's short termism which is getting so myopic that Apple spends less on R and D than Huawei. Intel spending billions on vanity purchases instead of node development,etc. Even long-term R and D costs are getting in the way of short-term profits.
The same crash happens - the speculative system is not dependent on the actual profit being made. It relies on the relative increase over time. The financial lot are greedy so expect even greater and greater increases over time fuel by debt. Want to see what stock speculation fueled by cheap debt lead to...the 1929 Stock Market Crash and The Great Depression.
What did you have before that.....The Roaring Twenties a period of affluence.
So it will always crash and the crashes are happening quicker and quicker. 3/4 crashes already in the last 30 years in the UK already. The late 80s crash,issues during the 90s,Dot-com crash and Subprime.
How many food banks existed in the UK and US before 2008 when compared to now?
Another crash is going to happen in the next 10 years and it's going to be bad. Governments due to Covid are at debt levels not seen since WW2.
Which is a nightmare metaphor of humanity's relationship with the planet and environment where we are taking tomorrow's resources to consume today (although fossil fuels are actually yesterday's resource but the consequences are tomorrow's).
And of course, mining is a near total waste of energy even if in the winter a bit of extra heat might be useful (certainly I was WfH and had an electric heater on as for one room the central heating isn't worth it).
is an important point. One some of the Speaker's Corner threads the Brown messed up, boom and bust keeps coming up, but at the time almost nobody was calling for restraint.
No point in always blaming politicians if any actual measures enforcing restraint would have been very very unpopular. Same thing happened in Ireland in the early 2000s: the ECB cautioned that the Irish economy was overheating and the government should do something about it (mainly tighten borrowing rules), and one or two dissenting economists said similar. The government did nothing and the public were reported to be against restraint, the "Don't kill our new-found prosperity" response.
Point being, restraint is not popular with the public.
In one in one of the wealthiest countries in the world you have millions using food banks.
Many countries are at debt levels not seen since WW2. Most of that debt is funneled to prop up private companies.Just look back at 2008.
It won't be because the companies are not profitable...it's because the YoY increases will start to slow down.
The financial lot know the system is not stable. It's a Ponzi scheme so they make sure they increase their assets on the upswing and when it crashes the average person pays for it. The governments don't care as these lot enable a nice retirement package for them.