got my mac mini yesterday, proceeded to install osx tiger.. couple hours later its now running windows 7
couldnt get on with the OS at all so im sticking to windows.
love the mini, its deadly silent which is what i wanted and it seems to be running windows fine on the native drivers only thing i dont have is sound which is strange since everything else works.
Nice to see you gave OS X a really good chance before staying with windows.
It's not for everyone it seems but at least you gave it a really good run through so you know the ins and outs before making a proper opinion.
Got windows 7 running on my old 2.33 17" and it's very nice, just having a play at the moment! I really want to put it on my Unibody 2.8 now as that's running Vista 64bit and seems old in comparison!
It was a breeze to install and pulled the drivers in needed when updating, much like OS X. I'm finding little things while playing so far like pushing a window to the top of the screen and letting go makes it full screen, i like that!
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