Anyone ordered a new Leon recently?....

24 Apr 2013
We have placed our order with the local SEAT dealer for a Leon ST with Xcellence Technology trim level - 2.0 TDI Auto DSG.

This order was placed over 6 weeks ago now and at the time of the order, the salesman claimed he was not sure of the build times, but would expect it to be built and over here for us by end of October.

Last week I called the dealer up after having heard nothing at all from them since placing the order. He again claimed he had no idea on build times but that our order had not even been accepted by the factory yet.... He claims this is normal and also said the factory in Barcelona closes down for the entire month of August, so he still thinks end of October and into November is realistic.

I have now contacted SEAT UK and they replied saying I need to check with local dealer, but since I had already done so, they have passed my details to customer service who will contact me "ASAP". Of course, they have not contacted me.

I've stated various times to dealer and SEAT UK that when you order something that is the second biggest expense you will have in your life, you don't expect to be left in the dark for 6 weeks and still not even know when the hell your car will even be built, let alone be delivered to you! Should also be noted the dealer was made fully aware before we placed order that we needed the car by end of October latest as our child is due 24th October and we also need time to have hand controls fitted for my girlfriend, so I am assuming now his constant "OK'ing" of these simple demands like it wouldn't be a problem was typical salesman BS to fob us off and get an order.

Anyone ordered a Leon or anything from SEAT recently? Or know anyone who works for SEAT or who could possibly get hold of lead times on builds? I gather this Leon I've ordered is brand new and there aren't even any of this new model in the UK yet with customers?



31 Aug 2007
The factory most likely is on holiday, so he won't have any new information for you.
If you only ordered it six weeks ago and you were told "around October", why are you hassling the dealer for info which he might not even have?
26 Aug 2003
Leafy Cheshire
As above. I ordered my S3 in June last year, but because of summer shut down of pretty much the entire of VAG group manufacturing, I didn't receive my car until the middle of October (it didn't even reach Emden until the last week of September).
26 Aug 2003
Leafy Cheshire
Yes, and what I'm saying is that due to corporate shutdown, what you are experiencing is normal. They can't give you and updated lead time, nor can the factory currently accept/confirm your order.

This ended up being to my benefit as it meant I had an extended window with which to amend my spec.
20 May 2007
I enquired about a new Leon back in May and even then they said expect September delivery, probably a the earliest.

Not really seeing what the problem is here seen as they told you it would not be until October. If you absolutely needed a car for October, i probably wouldn't have ordered a new one with an estimated delivery in October!
1 Mar 2010
Should also be noted the dealer was made fully aware before we placed order that we needed the car by end of October latest as our child is due 24th October
does that not form a verbal contract ? can you give them a heads-up that you want a loaner in the interim, albeit will not have the modifications you also need;
24 Apr 2013
OP, try here, you might find someone who can help or at least some more info:

The "2017 Leon" thread has lots of people talking about delivery times.

Super, thanks very much! 4 months it looks like as some guys are on there and have their cars now. It's a relief to now know there is at least some of the 2017 models in the country :)

@fastwunz - You will enjoy it I think. The 185bhp TDI is a lovely drive in itself and I am used to a 320bhp V6 Saab and the TDI tickles me the right way. The build quality of the Leon, seat position and steering feel was superb to me, so with that Cupra engine it will be lovely. Enjoy :)

@Vanquish-Storm - I am not sure sorry. Ours is on the motability scheme so our monthly payments do not go to SEAT and are very different.



31 Aug 2007
FWIW, my parents-in-law ordered a new Kia Niro, and they were miffed that it was 6 weeks late, but the dealer offered to lend them their demo car if they needed it, and they got some KIA tat thrown in on collection (hats, keyrings, etc.)
You could always ask nearer the time should you need a car.

Congrats on the new arrival!
6 May 2016
Wow, I need a job in VAG group manufacturing!

Personally, I'd be a bit miffed myself if I had placed the order and they then told me after the fact the factory was closed for a month in summer. Kinda the thing you'd expect to be told in advance. But yeah, salesmen.
24 Apr 2013
@mjt Thanks pal :)
@TacticalFish Glad I am not the only one who seems to think this is mental. Still can't believe people earlier in thread making out I am a muppet for thinking 6-7 weeks without a word from a dealer on something you ordered is bad.... I think I also need to get a job in car manufacturing if it's totally cool and people are just to "deal with it" when left in the dark for 6 weeks :p
23 Oct 2013
Personally, I'd be a bit miffed myself if I had placed the order and they then told me after the fact the factory was closed for a month in summer. Kinda the thing you'd expect to be told in advance. But yeah, salesmen.
why should it matter? At the time of purchase it was stated it won't be available until Oct, so does it matter what Seat do between now and Oct, as long as they meet that Oct deadline? Factories often have down-times, either with closures or times when they're making other models/products, so why does this seem a surprise? If it got to say Sep and I hadn't heard anything then I'd probably start to enquire about progress, but at present the deadline is still over 3 months away I wouldn't be getting upset and losing sleep about it.

yes, I've bought a car new, so I know the excitement/anticipation and desire to have it as soon as possible. But, until they admit they're unable to meet the pre-agreed Oct deadline then I would try not to stress.
6 May 2016

Personally, I feel when making a purchase of that value, you deserve to be updated regularly. Even if it's just to say the delivery ETA is still on track. That response of meh, you'll get it in October, don't worry about it, would annoy me. Anyway, this is down to an individuals expectation of service. Everyone is different in this respect.

And I stated that if I was told that it would be October, after I had placed the order, I would be miffed. To be fair, OP was told Oct at the time, at which point I'd have probably walked away to think about it.

I'm just surprised about the factory closing down for a month, not saying they shouldn't.

Anyway, enjoy your new car OP.
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