Anyone playing The Simpsons Tapped Out?

Finding it difficult as well, Struggling to do all 4 daily quests sometimes, Sure they add up to more than 24 hours sometimes.

"PnS-Finners" if you want to add me quickshot
Oh great! I finally stopped playing this a few days ago now there's another new update. Arghh..!

One thing I've noticed .. I turn on 'confirm spend donuts' as a matter of course, but then when the program updates, the setting returns to 'off'. If that's by design it is incredibly devious of them
The 4 quest in a day thing is really starting to annoy me, Missed the 4th one last night so when I woke up this morning at 7ish I got the 1st so thought to myself I should be able to do the next 3 I need in a day.

Quests I got were 4hrs, 6 hrs and then 6hrs thats 16 hours! Its like your not allowed a life if your going to get all 4, my 4th job will finish at half 12 tonight.

Going to miss that again because i have a job to get up for in the morning, Fair enough no one is forcing me to play but think they have set the bar a little to high to make it realistically achievable
I'll add you when I'm on later.

Not really sure how is event works yet, if I go to random towns by the button in the top corner the reward seems to be 70 for every building, if I visit friends it's only 18. Seems wrong.
Just got Hugo this morning, proving hard to get enough stuff to complete everything without any of the extra kids you can get from Donuts, but I am trying.

My ID is pja77uk if anyone wants to add a daily player.

Nice one well done, I'm not far off Hugo now and I'm just about to get the donut torture device. I have two premium characters that can collect bags but this event is a massive grind

I'll add you later dude
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