ISA's - The simple guide.
Right, you have a tax-free savings allowance each year of £7k. Keeping it simple, it should be spread like this: £3k cash, £3k stocks & shares (investment) and £1k of life plan. You can trade the £1k of life plan into your stocks and shares though. Maxi ISA's are slightly more complex so we'll leave those for now.
Mini Cash Isa: £3k limit per tax year. THis is the first port of call you should have for 'cash' savings. It's instant access, decent interest and Mr Brown can't tax the intrest. No upper limit on how much you can have in one either and they are safe.
Stocks & Shares Mini ISA. £4k limit for all intents and purposes per tax year. You should be prepared to leave these for upto 5 years really, if you want decent retuns. The money can be put into different types of investments, from the safe and suer 'corporate bonds' right through to Japanese growth funds where results will vary widely.
In all financial plaaning, you should consider your own attitude to risk and have a balanced fun: some cash, some low risk, some medium and a bit of high risk to add the cherry on the top.
Hope that's useful.