Anyone seen 'city of god'?

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Anyone seen the film, city of god? one of my favourites, pretty violent but great film about the slums of Rio De Janiero, its on tonight on film 4, highly reccomend people to watch it, so anyone seen it? and what do you think of it?
DunK1 said:
Awesome film, and I actually prefer the subtitles, I would hate for it to be dubbed :)
I agree, once you get used to them, watching a subtitled film is no different to watching an english language film imo.

At no point does a dubbed film not look/sound ridiculous.

On City of God, decent film, not as good as I was expecting, but still decent enough.
wedgie22 said:
I agree, once you get used to them, watching a subtitled film is no different to watching an English language film imo.

At no point does a dubbed film not look/sound ridiculous.

On City of God, decent film, not as good as I was expecting, but still decent enough.
I couldn't agree any more than that,Fantastic film and coming from someone who has been to Rio De Janeiro I can relate to it a little, I can actually understand most of the Portuguese in the film so the subtitles never get in the way,but I can spot some changes they make with the translation;).
dgmug said:
yes very good shame its subtitles though but still good.


It's a fantastic film
Was lucky enough to come across city of god last night by accident just as it started. Brilliant film highly recomended. You forget about the subs after a while so dont let that put you off.
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