Anyone seen the simpsons Trailer?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I tried a search but doesn't seem to be a thread.

At the cinema last night and they had the Simpsons trailer on before the film (shrek). Anyway the trailer had everyone in stitches, everyone in there was laughing out loud.

For anyone who's seen it

spider pig, spider pig, does what ever a spider can...... :)

It's released on the 27/07/2007

any way i cant wait for this, It looks awesome.

A diff trailer can be found here, no where as good as the cinema trailer..
Haven't seen it yet, last movie I went to see was captivity.

But I used to watch the simpsons a lot but I haven't watched it in about a year. Just seems boring now. Family guy, south park and american dad is the shows I can't get enough of.
Didn't watch the trailer (it's juddering way too much for some reason), but from what I saw the cinema version is way better.

xyphic said:
When I saw that, it was the first time that The Simpsons has made me laugh out loud for a *long* time. Quite looking forward to it now!

that part was awesome, what was even better was that they cut away, then you hear him carry on his signing, that got an extra laugh from me... It looks like it could be very well directed.
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When I first heard about it, I was somewhat dreading it. I never thought it was going to be bad, but it's the last Simpsons 'eipisode' to be written, so it was always going to have to be really really REALLY good. And now I am beginning to feel more confident about going to see it. :D :cool:
tomanders91 said:
agree, the humour in south park has changed since 1999, its much more political and inteligent (humour) and stuff now, as it all it used to rely on was the kids saying rude words, but imo its lot better so a new film would be great.
I would say Team America was good... Not south park, but done in a similar style. I can't take Matt Damon seriously now everytime I hear his name mentioned. :D
Wang Computer said:
<Misery Mode>

The Simpsons has been mostly rubbish for ages now - I'm not optimistic that this film will prove to be any different.

</Misery Mode>

People keep saying this but I think some just believe it without actually thinking about it. It's not as bad as everyone says it is.

There have been some very good Simpsons episodes in the 18th and 19th seasons. Sure the story lines are far-fetched now but the jokes are still very good at times.

Like this gem:

Lenny ends up inside the combined broken popsicle stick sculptures of Lenny and Carl. He states, "I don't know where Carl ends and I begin!" Carl replies, "See, statements like that are why people think we're gay"
lol, that spiderpig scene was enough to get me to watch the film when its released. not sure i would have bothered otherwise :)
i dont know if you lot heard but 7/11 changed the design of some of their stores to the Kwik-e-mart to advertise the Simpsons movie.

i actually saw one of these in LA. was absolutely quality, didnt manage to get a picture though!

it looked exactly like the cartoons!

All of the Simpsons trailers have been good so far.
The short ones from the official site have had everyone who watched them in the office in stitches.
The one that does it for most of us is the simple, over-done sequence on the roof with the hammer.
You see Homer with the hammer, you see Homer with his thumb over the head of the nail, you know what is going to happen, you sit there waiting for him to smack his thumb with the hammer, so when he puts it in his eye it's just so damn funny you can't help almost ******** yourself.
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