Anyone seen the simpsons Trailer?

The Spiderpid bit in the Trailer had me in stitches, still does everytime i watch it. Definately gonna see that.
I didnt exactly have high hopes for this movie and thought it was just going to be a bit of a cash in. But after seeing that trailer I can't wait :D

The shot with homer and the pig with a rasher of bacon between their teeth was classic :D
AcidHell2 said:
I tried a search but doesn't seem to be a thread.

At the cinema last night and they had the Simpsons trailer on before the film (shrek). Anyway the trailer had everyone in stitches, everyone in there was laughing out loud.

For anyone who's seen it

spider pig, spider pig, does what ever a spider can...... :)

It's released on the 27/07/2007

any way i cant wait for this, It looks awesome.

A diff trailer can be found here, no where as good as the cinema trailer..

Saw that trailer before Die Hard 4, don't like the Simpsons anymore and won't be seeing the film but that spider pig thing made me chuckle a bit.
the trailer was on before die hard, i nearly spat my pepsi at the guy infront it was that funny with spider pig. it even made my mum laugh and she hates the simpsons :eek:
Anyone read the Guardian today ? In the G2 section there is a very good article on how the Simpsons has lost it. How it went from a wise cracking funny show that can digs at politicians in one minute and then burst into song the next. Jokes were coming thick and thin, having a go at everyone and anyone out there. People either get it or don't, when Regan say American Families should be more like the Walton's and less like the Simpons he clearly didn't get it.

Now days you just get episodes after episodes of silly fart soaks and how Homer can get hurt or what job he is going to get next (current count 118 and rising), or what country they are going to next or what celeb they are going to meet. It has become predictable, sure a show that runs this long would run into some problems in terms of story. You can't still have Lisa still wanting a pony or Bart still failing Math but the clever jokes and quirky remarks have gone and replaced with simple humour.

You can even put a date into when the show went from a sharp witty to dumb and silly. Out was the Saturday Night Live writers, in comes the Bevers and Butthead wannabe writers. It was in season 9, the episode where they found out Principle Skinner is a impostor. All of the sudden a long term character turns out not to be who he was after all.

Which brings me onto the film, I fear that this will be a big flop (no doubt will make a lot of money from its name alone in the first couple of weeks). But for a film that is 15 years in the making, there should be more than seeing Homer getting injured, and from the trailers so far it seems it is more like the new Simpsons than the like of old.
Raymond Lin said:

It may well be a lot of the new Simpsons, however it is extremely funny, and there is some new content in, should be a very entertaining film and I predict it will be very highly rated.
Raymond Lin said:

It has been said before and I'll say it again.
Even a bad Simpsons episode is better than a lot of the other crap out there at the moment.
Even now a "Brand New" Simpsons episode is something I look forward to.
I don't care if the jokes have been used before etc - the fact is networks in the US will always can stuff they don't deem any good (they also can stuff which is good, but that's a whole different argument).

Every trailer I've seen for the movie has had me and all the fans here at work laughing.
Sure it could fail, it might be rubbish - I somehow doubt that.
Oh and the Guardian, well somebody had to go against the common thread on this film.
There will always be somebody who doesn't want to follow suit - will say something good is bad or vice-versa.
A couple fo newspapers did the same with the last James Bond and in my opinion (and not just my opinion) it was the best one ever.
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I've been hoping that they've been saving all the good jokes and lines for this movie that's why the TV show has been so hit and miss the last few years.

That's my theory anyway. :)
I don't think the writing team for the film is the same as the series, they seem to have restricted it to 11 of the best writers who have mostly been with the series from the start.
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