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Anyone sick of graphics card upgrades ?

If you buy on average a game a month for your xbox 360 for a year you could have bought a decent graphics card and the same ammount of games for your pc. My biggest gripe with the next gen consoles is the price of games. Take COD 2 £49.99 for the xbox 360 £19.99 on the pc, £30 difference and thats one game.

I don't see pc gaming dying, I see it as just getting started.
You dont get a 3 core cpu and a next gen graphics core for £220. They make up their losses on the games. We pay way more for CPU / graphics card but less on the games.

We will pay the same amount of dosh one way or another :P
Depends, someone who has a cupboard full of console games may easily be spending upwards of a grand per year on games, whereas there are others who take their multiplayer very seriously and basically just play whatever their latest favourite FPS is and not a lot else, buying maybe 1 or 2 titles a year. The latter of these two people would obvously be able to afford and see quite an advantage from an updated graphics card and still have change left over.

Conversely you can get Console gamers who may only spend a total of £600 including the console. It's pretty hard to get a nicely specced pc for that and leave any money for games.

A bit of a simplistic model to be sure, and really the expediture needs to be looked at over the lifespan of the console in relation to what PC hardware is available (more likely around 2-3 years).

Personally I'm happy to keep gaming on PC as I tend to buy quite a lot of games and like FPS in particular. I still play older games and need a PC for this, also of course it allows me to do other stuff on PC like email, web (including this forum) etc. It's just easier to have one device to do all that, rather than having one slow PC cluttering up the place and then having to mess about with cabling to plug a console into my monitor etc.
I've still got a 9800pro, and am perfectly happy with it. Sure, there is slow down in UT2k4 when you put setting on full and play at a stupidly high res, but that has never bothered me.

Infact, I've sort have got used to playing at 20fps, and still find my self quite high up on the score chart. I don't get headaches either.
i have a decent pc.7800gtx graphics card,3800amd etc.i bought a xbox360 and i am amazed with it.go on line with it and then you will see how good it is.microsoft have the best online support for playing games.
no you do not need a hdtv,i use mine on a 36 inch wide screen normal tv and sometimes on my pc monitor.its a great machine for under £300.no hassle just put the disc in and play.everyone has problems with pcs,getting games to run properly,new drivers all the time etc.also the cost of xbox360 games will come down,look at the prices of the old xbox games.
cheers ian
Ewww, imagine if ...

All the game titles in the world ended up on xbox.And pc only ever getting the cr*p leftovers.
Graphics upgrades ended up getting wrestled out of the hands of pc and the most interesting technology going into consoles.The graphics companys getting (X) amount of immediate high end sales,thus ensuring games companys (Y) sales too.
In the billions! all on pirate free console.
For hassle free sake pc owners end up with mid to lower end cards only-mostly so they cant pirate the latest console games or something.

Imagine what we'd all be like on the forums! :eek:

^^^ Fantasy maybe,but, you think then for 300 pounds every year,we could all get amazing consoles & forums based around hacking the console, to be used as a games PC? :D LOL

Tripple Hard core cpus/gpus/watercooled! Wowwa!

because you can't "upgrade" your xbox.
but can probably overclock the **** out of it!
pc is just a waste of money these days for gaming. consoles work out a lot cheaper and better especially in the long run.

fact to make a console game it can take years. to mke a pc game it takes 1 week. since all the producer has to do is run the code through a translator or emulator and out comes the pc version of the game. unoptimised and resource hungry.

this is why the xbox 360 is a worthy investment for 210 quid.
and when the xboxb 360 gets chipped im sure all the pc gamers will be running to it.

majority of the people on here only use pc gaming because the games can be downloaded for free, sure they will not admit to it but that is the main reason pc gaming still exists.
I moved from PC gaming to the 360 for roughly the same reasons the OP wishes. I wrote about my reasons Here PC Gaming for me is a total waste of time now. Sick of upgrades, sick of seeing poorly coded games running poorly when they can run way better then they should, and I was tired of pc games being such a crap platform online.

It all hit me when I saw the shambolic Most Wanted running on my machine. Nothing has slowed down my pc until this heap of garbage came along and despite it being an EA game I realised I was wasting my time gaming on the pc. I took the plunge, got me a 360 and guess what? I've only got 3 games and I'm so glad I did so.
Kainz said:
I moved from PC gaming to the 360 for roughly the same reasons the OP wishes. I wrote about my reasons Here PC Gaming for me is a total waste of time now. Sick of upgrades, sick of seeing poorly coded games running poorly when they can run way better then they should, and I was tired of pc games being such a crap platform online.

It all hit me when I saw the shambolic Most Wanted running on my machine. Nothing has slowed down my pc until this heap of garbage came along and despite it being an EA game I realised I was wasting my time gaming on the pc. I took the plunge, got me a 360 and guess what? I've only got 3 games and I'm so glad I did so.

i hear you on this one. i remember games like Ultimate race pro running on my old power vr gfx card. gfx were amazing and still are today. compared to the requirements in power for games like need for speed most wanted the gfx are like only 3 times as good but require hardware that is 10 times more powerful than what ultimate race ran on.

lazy programmers that don't deserve the money at all. xbox 360 is what im after now. my cousin has it with project gotham racing 3, need for speed most wanted, and call of duty 2.
all games look wonderful except for call of duty 2 which looks the same as the pc version and the controller is crap to use for fps games.

PGR3 is amazing and nfsmw has top notch gfx too, much better than what i have seen on the pc.

i will get the xbox 360 as soon as they have sorted out the cooling issues.

Project Gotham Racing 3 was a bit of a letdown though, i couldn't see the Batmobile anywhere in it :confused:
PGR3 is awsome on the 360, it looks fantastic plays the same and never slows down, you dont see massive re-draw in the distance and the online game is outa this world.

what spec PC would you need to get anything near as smooth in game play.how much would the hardware be to play PGR3? yes as stated the games are more expensive! but if you look around not that much more expensive. i have just spent 3 hours on the 360. just loaded up kameo which i bought online for £35 and it also looks really cool and plays so smooth.

I never have to worry about drivers, and as for fps when the xbox supports a usb key board and mouse will the fps just control like on PC!

you cant knock microsoft on this one, the xbox 360 kicks arse big style and we have yet to see the best from it iam sure. to build a pc to play like a 360 you would need to spend in excess of £1000 minimum. so anyone thinking of building a gameing PC should not over look this great console!

bring on DOA4 looks amazing on Xbox.com
Cyber-Mav said:
this is why the xbox 360 is a worthy investment for 210 quid.
and when the xboxb 360 gets chipped im sure all the pc gamers will be running to it.

majority of the people on here only use pc gaming because the games can be downloaded for free, sure they will not admit to it but that is the main reason pc gaming still exists.

a lot of people also play games that they pay for, i for one run demos for time/legal/money reasons on games i want to test with.So many games are samey that it doesnt take long to find one or 2 to buy.

Right you are on peeps chipping and home made watercool setups emerging.Cant wait to see how far 2nd gen microsoft hardware gets upgraded @ home
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I want the PS3 for one reason. It is what is stopping me buying an Xbox360 right now - Final Fantasy XIII (or so it should be that number, seeing as 11 and 12 are already out). Oh, not forgetting Gran Turismo. Hurry up Sony!!! Bluetooth control pads - it's gonna be so cool. Anyone want to convince me to buy an Xbox ahead of the PS3?

I'm a bit fed up of PC gaming now - getting tiresome - I blame Valve entirely for this. They couldn't code a decent game if their manhoods depended on it.
smids said:
I'm a bit fed up of PC gaming now - getting tiresome - I blame Valve entirely for this. They couldn't code a decent game if their manhoods depended on it.
Compared to the likes of EA etc Valve are coding Gods.
yea valve are a lot better than EA at coding. im waiting for the xbox 360 to get chipped so i can use it as a media center pc, shame it doesn;t run xvid films out of the box otherwise it would have been a real steal.

also i find it hard to believe that the console is so cheapo to produce. its a lot of hardware you get for not a lot of price. shocked how MS pulled this one off.
smids said:
I'm a bit fed up of PC gaming now - getting tiresome - I blame Valve entirely for this. They couldn't code a decent game if their manhoods depended on it.

Eh are you gettign your game companies mixed up? Valve are completely the opposite... their coding is superb. HL2 looks great, you can have it at 1600*1200+ with 4x AA and 8x AF at max details with a 6800/7800 series card, and it also scales superbly on lower end hardware. That's what good coding is all about.
vapor matt said:
yes as stated the games are more expensive! but if you look around not that much more expensive. i have just spent 3 hours on the 360. just loaded up kameo which i bought online for £35 and it also looks really cool and plays so smooth.

Yep but the games are still cheaper when you add in the price of hardware to run new games. Xbox games are around £10-£20 dearer depending on where you buy. But then as I said my gfx card updates have swallowed up the cost of buying 10-20 games in the price difference. And frankly there aren't 20 pc games worth buying that need a top end card. Then the 2 gig of ram to play battlefield 2 smoothly, and a decent cpu.

No thanks, when the xbox 360 market has settled I will buy one, and this becomes a word proccessor.
It wouldn't be so bad if it was worth it from a gaming point of view, but its the stagnation of PC gaming that is more frustrating. I wouldn't mind paying for a decent upgrade every year if we were having game releases that were worth playing.

I find it difficult to remember a PC game this year that I can say I really enjoyed. HL2 looked great and you can appreciate the style and design but it left me lukewarm. FEAR and Q4 were completely uninspiring and I was bored long before I got half way through them and had to force myself to finish them. If it wasn't for Pro Evo 5 (which is easier to play on console anyway) and a couple of strategy games that kept me going I would wonder what I was doing with the PC this year.

It was console games this year that are the most memorable.

Read an interview with Jon Carmack who stated that most of their development was moving to 360 and it makes you wonder how many more will concentrate on the next gen formats.

PC developers need a kick up the arse. ;)
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