Anyone still play with Amiga or C64

We do have this that covers both.

No offence mate, but that thread for the most part is simply a pimp the latest pickup.

A decent forum where discussion could happen would be a good thing. The retro scene is massive, many a thing could be posted up for attention, beyond the latest score from the bay, or charity shop.

Just thought id add a voice, many generations post here, young and old.
I always had to sell my computer to fund the next one. C64 - Atari ST - Amiga 600 - PC

Would have like to keep the Amiga in particular, great piece of kit.
I loved my amiga that I had from 7 - ~15. Many hours spent with friends and parents playing great games. I'm not sure if it was just my age but gaming seems a more magical time then. Amiga, nes, snes, megadrive. Pretty much everything before Playstation was great gaming. Yes, playstation was a huge step up in terms of technology but it just lacked something.

Take me back to the days of Shadow of the Beast, Cannon fodder, Moonstone, Turrican, Speedback, Sensible soccer, Monkey Island, Dizzy and the many many other fantastic games that were all somehow different and exciting.

I have a few of my favourites in single exe's (bundled roms and emulators) I don't see a problem with this because I paid my money years ago for all the games I have, sometimes saving up many weeks of pocket money to buy a single game. I remember getting Mortal Kombat for xmas from my grandma and grandad when I was about 10 or 11. I literally played it all day!
There are some exceptions, but a lot of these /really/ old games are utter crap :p Even some of the ones we remember as good...

There are certainly some timeless classics, like Bubble Bobble, but if you take off your nostalgia glasses, a lot of them are just not worth revisiting.

As kids we were more easily impressed :p And had the time to deal with "game over, start again from the beginning" game design. You can use save states of course to negate that last point (if emulating).
There are some exceptions, but a lot of these /really/ old games are utter crap :p Even some of the ones we remember as good...

There are certainly some timeless classics, like Bubble Bobble, but if you take off your nostalgia glasses, a lot of them are just not worth revisiting.

As kids we were more easily impressed :p And had the time to deal with "game over, start again from the beginning" game design. You can use save states of course to negate that last point (if emulating).

Yes this is how I finally completed Ghouls N Ghosts, could never complete it so ******* hard! that game still sends shivers down me when I heard it's theme music.

Another game what scared me and give me shivers was 180 (darts) god knows why, the music and the funny looking characters, I was very young when I played this the first time!

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My first was the Commodore Plus 4, Dad played it more then me.. then moved on to the C64.

Still Have it boxed at my mum's with all the games. will try and dig it out
when I am down and take a few photos.

Gave my Amiga to my sister so I could buy a mega drive:D:D
There are some exceptions, but a lot of these /really/ old games are utter crap :p Even some of the ones we remember as good...

Some, definately. But for a large part the games were all individual (for the time) Moonstone, Brutal sports football, Nebulus, Lemmings, PP Hammer, Worms, Pinballs dreams, Settlers, Cannon fodder, Chaos Engine, Sink or swim, Sleepwalker. Very diverse game. Lot today like FPS, RTS, Arcade sim, sim
To my shame I binned my pristine boxed C64 and a shed load of original game casettes and catridges about 10 years ago. Just took the job lot to the recycling centre and dumped it along with a Megadrive 2 + 32x, a mint original Playstation 1 and and hundreds of pounds worth of Warhammer stuff :(

I R with sads now, but at the time it seemed like a good idea :(
There are some exceptions, but a lot of these /really/ old games are utter crap :p Even some of the ones we remember as good...

There are certainly some timeless classics, like Bubble Bobble, but if you take off your nostalgia glasses, a lot of them are just not worth revisiting.

As kids we were more easily impressed :p And had the time to deal with "game over, start again from the beginning" game design. You can use save states of course to negate that last point (if emulating).

No more than there is on the current crop of machines. Except they're now a lot prettier now but have no gameplay.

Going back to previous gaming eras, and there is a lot of rubbish no doubt, is more about gameplay than graphics. I'd still say, even now, games such as Dungeon Master, SWoS, Turrican 2, etc. have yet to be beaten. The graphics may not be as good but they're still great fun to play.

No more than there is on the current crop of machines. Except they're now a lot prettier now but have no gameplay.

Going back to previous gaming eras, and there is a lot of rubbish no doubt, is more about gameplay than graphics. I'd still say, even now, games such as Dungeon Master, SWoS, Turrican 2, etc. have yet to be beaten. The graphics may not be as good but they're still great fun to play.


Yes and no.

The modern "retro" indie scene throws up some remarkably good games, which are simply better than the originals that inspired them.

Volgarr the Viking, for example, is much like Rastan or Ghouls & Ghosts - except it's better (more polished, more fair, and just plays better)

Shovel Knight, which I've not played, is apparently superb, and improves on the early Megaman games, Castlevania etc that inspired it.

Turrican was brilliantly reimagined as "gunlord" for the Dreamcast - unfortunately, it was released in a limited fashion in 2012 and is very difficult to get hold of. I've not played it, but hear great things. PC version was announced but never happened :(

There are loads of them. Nothing like SWOS, though, as far as I'm aware. Which is a shame.

I guess "retro" for me is C64, rather than Amiga as I never had one of those. C64 had some wonderful games, but often they were limited by the hardware - so modern representations are at an immediate advantage.
I loved my amiga that I had from 7 - ~15. Many hours spent with friends and parents playing great games. I'm not sure if it was just my age but gaming seems a more magical time then. Amiga, nes, snes, megadrive. Pretty much everything before Playstation was great gaming. Yes, playstation was a huge step up in terms of technology but it just lacked something.

Take me back to the days of Shadow of the Beast, Cannon fodder, Moonstone, Turrican, Speedback, Sensible soccer, Monkey Island, Dizzy and the many many other fantastic games that were all somehow different and exciting.

It was all about the gameplay back then. Shiny, photo-realistic real-time rendering was not even a concept on the horizon. For me, F19 Stealth Fighter was the one. I lost years to that game. Terrible graphics (by today's standards at least), awful sound but it didn't matter- you just got sucked in.
And it was all new, of course, which does add a pink tinge to the old spectacles...
2D shooters still hold up well to play today. I still play R Type, Metal Slug, Thunder Force IV, Don Pachi etc.

Some 2D platform games are still very playable, along with 2D beat em ups or side scrollers.

Racing and sports games don't tend to age well at all. Though I suspect Sensible Soccer fans would still enjoy that today.
I just got all my Amiga stuff out as I'm going to sell it.

Link to pics if you want to see my stuff.

How much? Drop me a trust please, ta.

Probably a bad idea buying it really as have hardly any space but somehow emulation lacks the real thing... by that I mean it doesn't take 15 minutes to load the game then it crashes on the menu with the big black and red 'Guru Meditation' error :D
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