Anyone still play with Amiga or C64

I put it on Gumtree and local FB groups, not sure If I can post sale links on here. Wouldn't want to affect OCUK's sales of Amigas.

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i was big fan of Psygnosis games, and the company in general, their box art and packaging was amazing, you got a A4 size poster in every game, their posters practically wallpapered my bedroom as a kid. there HQ in Livepool , not far from me and i with a mate went down to visit them got to look inside their offices, they had a music room full of synths and computers, some fella was modeling a spider for a upcoming game, and go to see a Star Wars game Psygnosis was planning to release but never did. their intros was memorable, my fav was 'Awesome' a cool asteroids influenced game.

on a negative, most of their games was too difficult like Shadow of the Beast 2, it pretty much put the Amiga on the map though.

i play on the Amiga emulator a lot , love the nostalgia.
i was big fan of Psygnosis games, and the company in general, their box art and packaging was amazing...

I have been hunting down a Shadow of the beast original tshirt for years but refuse to pay £600 for the one on ebay thats boxed unopened with poster and game. I too loved the game and company but not that much!

What other company now puts that much effort into artwork, posters etc.

A few other companies are similar - Ocean, Rainbow arts, Team 17, Bitmap bros, Blue Byte, Microprose, Infogrames... When the logo came up before the game you knew it was going to be an awsome game!

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