Anyone using Python+Pandas to replace Excel?

12 Dec 2006
Regarding excel, I am still baffled why even experienced users that do not use the Power Query/Pivot continue with formula and macros, but maybe they stick to what they know.

I was thinking about seriously about using Power Query. I'm slightly nervous about MS changing licensing; I did some work in Flow/Power Autimate then some of the components went from free with the Office 365 licence to a different Tier that would have cost a lot more money and I didn't feel I could make a business case for.

The Pandas route promises to be very powerful and flexible; I'm looking forward to what I read is SQL-like functionality and much more.

We use power queries a lot. For throwing together a ton of data and doing some quick analysis and visual stuff they are great.
29 Jan 2008
This never answer a question except with a another question is kinda a one way conversation. I think we should leave it there.

Fair enough - it was more just trying to get the context of what you're trying to do - you want to replace Excel but you're then referring to a library that is created for interacting with excel with Python. I'm not sure what you need that for if the goal is to replace excel.

I'm not sure there is necessarily a single library to do everything you need btw.. that doesn't necessarily mean you can't do what it is you want to do within Python, but you'd perhaps need to be clearer about what exactly that is.
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