Anyone with Directline?: How much NCB do you loose if u have a minor bump?

4 Feb 2004
I feel such a prat.

Waiting at a roundabout the other day, heavy traffic and there's a woman in front of me. Gap appears on roundabout, I start moving forward expecting her to do the same and as I turn my head to face the front I find that she has hesitated and stopped. Bumped the back of her car at walking pace. Very little damage to her car, a wee Hyundai. My auld commuting hack, Calibra came off worst:-


Anyway, we exchanged details etc and the insurance Co's process has started. Since I only ever used the Cally for commuting when the bike is tucked up, I was only TPF&T. Bump was my fault entirely so she is doing the claiming, obviously.

What I wondered was, how much Full NCB will I loose?. Any ideas?. I've not spoken to Direct Line on the phone since it first happened and I forgot to ask at that point. Since then I've just sent letters out to them and I know I could pick up the phone and ask them about it, but I thought I would ask here anyway, in case someone has been in a similar situation recently.

I've heard that theres a possibility that I wont loose the whole of my NCB, possibly only part of it?.

First *bump* in a car in 17 years of driving, for me. Absolutely gutted. :(
I had a slight bump into the back of another car and only lost 1 year when I was insured with direct line. I know that doesn't answer your question exactly but I think you would be unlucky to lose it all.

Nice car by the way makes me miss my old Calibra
I thought that if you had full no-claims and they weren't protected, you wouldn't lose all of your NCB, just a portion.

I did practically the same thing on Friday night. The guy in front of me decided to start pulling out at the roundabout, I looked right to make sure it was OK for me to go and started pulling away. Just as I turned back to look ahead, bang!.

Luckily, he had a tow bar which prevent me from damaging his car, however it punched a hole in my radiator which then started spewing out water. SO I had to fly down the road before my car was un-driveable :rolleyes:
I nearly had many accidents like that until I refused to bother looking right before I am first in queue. Saves energy, don't have accidents like this, and you don't know if person in front is being a wally. Still it is an easy thing to do.

When I had a little bump the other day, tesco said first claim you don't lose NCB, but with directline I'm unsure.
My understanding is it the insurance companies decision how much you lose and there is not set rule. I didn't lose full no claims when I crashed I only lost a year and obviously didn't gain a year so at the end of that insurance year rather than going from 4 years NCB to 5 I went back to 3 years, also my friend wrote off his car with no other cars involved and ahd to make a claim and even he didn't loose all his no claims and that was on a roughly 10k pay out. Admittedly he wasn't insured with direct line but he didn't have his no claims protected.
Shaw said:
My understanding is it the insurance companies decision how much you lose and there is not set rule. I didn't lose full no claims when I crashed I only lost a year and obviously didn't gain a year so at the end of that insurance year rather than going from 4 years NCB to 5 I went back to 3 years, also my friend wrote off his car with no other cars involved and ahd to make a claim and even he didn't loose all his no claims and that was on a roughly 10k pay out. Admittedly he wasn't insured with direct line but he didn't have his no claims protected.

I believe it works like this on Elephant too.
I nearly did the same Draeger about a year ago. I was milimetres from the back of a learner in front of me by the time I stopped :eek: Taught me a valuable lesson though.
Just checked my insurance booklet (More Than>), and if I was to have a claim on my insurance, my NCB would go from 65% to 45%. But, because I have protected NCB, I don't have too worry about that.
You know you're perfectly entitled to pay for her claim yourself?

My insurance company even paid for the other parties claim and let me pay them back, didnt affect my NCB at all.
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