Perhaps the self-perceived time factor might not be due to impatience, fanbois-ism or even trailblazerism. Perhaps it could be due to an immediate requirement. After all, Dell's 30Hz variant is available.
And what about some pertinent info on the USB? Is that not worthy of attention/consideration?
When ALL humans are dual natured, being bias means the road to instabilty if not insanity - usually perceived as cocksure sanity - most "adults" being multi-facetted in their psyche. Without having the ability to realise one's real "infrastructure", there will be no, as in zero, solution to Humanity's Inhumanity other than the cnstant blind-blinded desire to accumulate Fame, Fortune & Immortality. Regardless of the consequences other than the navigation akin to tiptoe-ing on top of eggshells. Or what El FuzzyWuzzy advises, Don't Get Caught !