Atom80, can't see how to post a screen shot, but would happily email you the image. I have been using CPUID HWMonitor & BatterCare (BatteryCare.Net) to monitor laptops stats.
Over the weekend I did a search and read various sites/forums where it recommended that battery calibration is carried out (i.e. let the laptop power down to 5% and go into hibernation, leave for 5 hours and then fully charge). This restored 1% back taking my current wear rate (back down to 3%).
I agree that some wear is acceptable but I was concerned that a drop of 4% in one week was projecting a rapid wear and loss of battery.
Any advise is welcome and also some guidance on charging cycles to minimise the wear rate?
Hi ADE70,
Since posting the request for screen shot we received some more detail from HQ.
It goes like this;
" The test tool will compare the “battery designed capacity” to “detected capacity”.
But what we guarantee on the spec is actually “minimum capacity”, which is lower than “battery designed capacity”
The relationship is usually like: designed capacity > detected capacity > guarantee capacity (73.26Whr)
Our battery capacity on the spec is 73.26Whr."
So, we believe that the test tool will know the original "designed capacity" and be giving you a reading that is reflected by the actual "guarantee capacity",,,, hence showing 4%
Please continue to monitor and let us know if you fee there is a problem.
Hope that helps explain and clarify,
Gigabyte UK NB Team