Apple & Security vs Android/Google

23 Mar 2004
I've been a long time Android fan (primarily via Samsung devices), very happy with it overall from an end-user perspective and I use a ton of Google services but I've been under no illusions when it comes to the fact that nothing is ever free and I'm paying for these services with my data.

I block third party cookies, turn off ad personalisation, use ad-blockers and the like to deal with the visible annoyance of adverts but I've been reading reports on the data collection and usage by Google etc., location tracking and hoovering up of wifi IDs etc. and it just leaves a bitter taste.

I'm only one person and I don't have anything to hide but the invasive nature of companies like Google is just bugging me more and more especially when I see the vast profits they are making (and usually little tax being paid). But there is a lot of that going around in the tech world.

So I'm thinking about what to do about it, I have an Outlook email I can use instead of Gmail so my emails aren't continually being read but I don't think Microsoft are much better to be honest, are there any alternatives you guys would recommend?

But the biggest change would be to ditch my Samsung phone, tablet and smart watch and possibly switch to Apple, quite an expensive move too, I also have Google Home and a Home Hub.

Apple make a big play on the privacy/security aspect of their platform, I've been reading the official blurb on the website which all sounds positive but I wanted to get your take on it, is this legit or are they just as bad in reality?
Apple hardware is years behind android yet more expensive, and you will be trapped with apple services. Security, dont know. The best way to be secure is to wipe your phone emmc completely, reinstall a base rom, root, and go from there. Google not needed in the slightest, use a firewall to block whatever you want, hack app permissions that cant be seen in settings, monitor every single piece of code running etc
Apple hardware is years behind android yet more expensive, and you will be trapped with apple services. Security, dont know. The best way to be secure is to wipe your phone emmc completely, reinstall a base rom, root, and go from there. Google not needed in the slightest, use a firewall to block whatever you want, hack app permissions that cant be seen in settings, monitor every single piece of code running etc

The newest A11 Bionic chip in the iPhone is far superior to any android hardware - in efficiency and performance.

I'm a big android fan and will admit this.
If you want security, don't use anything that is "free". You end up being the product. If I wanted security, I'd put Linux on my computers, Lineage OS on my phone and use an email service focused on privacy, such as Tutanota or Protonmail, or host your own and use PGP for encrypting email. The downside to this is nobody you know cares and will never bother learning how to use PGP to read your encrypted email. All your friends and family use social media and allow those social media apps to access their own phones data, which feeds that app your details anyway.
The newest A11 Bionic chip in the iPhone is far superior to any android hardware - in efficiency and performance.

I'm a big android fan and will admit this.
Very intersting indeed! I must admit my android hobby days have stopped over the last 18 months so again surprised. Thats the second thing i learnt today, on top of egyptian slavery
Apple hardware is years behind android yet more expensive, and you will be trapped with apple services. Security, dont know. The best way to be secure is to wipe your phone emmc completely, reinstall a base rom, root, and go from there. Google not needed in the slightest, use a firewall to block whatever you want, hack app permissions that cant be seen in settings, monitor every single piece of code running etc
Years behind in what way?
Google are in bed with the establishment and will divulge your details at the drop of a hat.

Apple on the other hand treat your privacy more seriously. There was an incident a few years ago (mass shooting I think) and the instigator had an iPhone with encryption turned on. When Apple were approached by the FBI, they refused to give out a backdoor to the phone. This is on the principle that if Apple obliged, then where does it end when it comes to lesser crimes and the wrongly accused?

I'm writing this as an Android user btw but I agree with Apple's principle here.
Since Blackberrys died out Apple are the go to provider for companies issuing phones to employees, mainly for the security reasons I understand. I suspect this is a lot down to how locked down iOS is, which makes it much easier to secure, although this lock down is one of the main reasons I am an Android user.
If you want security, don't use anything that is "free". You end up being the product. If I wanted security, I'd put Linux on my computers, Lineage OS on my phone and use an email service focused on privacy, such as Tutanota or Protonmail, or host your own and use PGP for encrypting email. The downside to this is nobody you know cares and will never bother learning how to use PGP to read your encrypted email. All your friends and family use social media and allow those social media apps to access their own phones data, which feeds that app your details anyway.

I'm not on social media, a number of arguments when the Brexit vote came in finally put the nail in the Facebook coffin for me. :)

Plus the fact all I ever saw in my feed was ads and promoted junk.

Also, I want a simple stress free way of being more secure/private, I don't have the time to sod about rooting phones and trying to get Linux to recognise graphics card etc. these days, plus a ton of apps (like banking) won't work when rooted.
From what I understand, Apple take security incredibly seriously these days and the fappening mentioned earlier was not down to any security issues with their system, simply the results of targeted phishing attacks.
Google are in bed with the establishment and will divulge your details at the drop of a hat.

90% of the time I use my phone as a phone, so I couldn't care less if Google tells somebody that I phoned my Mother to get her bread & butter pudding recipe or my Sister sent me pictures of her dogs looking very forlorn and sorry for themselves because, once again, she's making them wear little outfits at Halloween and Christmas.
From what I understand, Apple take security incredibly seriously these days and the fappening mentioned earlier was not down to any security issues with their system, simply the results of targeted phishing attacks.

My point being that a device is only secure if the morons using them understand what they are actually doing.

The largest security risks are people not taking it seriously and being a bit flakey about it.

On the data farming side of things, well I certainly don't think Apple are anything special here and wouldn't be surprised if a scandal is unveiled in the years to come. Everything about Apple is image and being seen a certain way, as long as they "seem" to be more secure/private/ethical then that's all that matters to them - doesn't mean they actually are. Basically, trust no one and just accept that using these things is a trade.
Google are in bed with the establishment and will divulge your details at the drop of a hat.

Apple on the other hand treat your privacy more seriously. There was an incident a few years ago (mass shooting I think) and the instigator had an iPhone with encryption turned on. When Apple were approached by the FBI, they refused to give out a backdoor to the phone. This is on the principle that if Apple obliged, then where does it end when it comes to lesser crimes and the wrongly accused?

I'm writing this as an Android user btw but I agree with Apple's principle here.

Apple gave the FBI full access under the provision they denied it happened. Apple gained a reputation for protecting your privacy and the NSA made everyone believe they had some super hack software that could crack Apple OS
Apple hardware is years behind android yet more expensive, and you will be trapped with apple services. Security, dont know. The best way to be secure is to wipe your phone emmc completely, reinstall a base rom, root, and go from there. Google not needed in the slightest, use a firewall to block whatever you want, hack app permissions that cant be seen in settings, monitor every single piece of code running etc

From a radio/antennae architecture and performance point of view, Apple is years ahead. That’s going to change though now that Apple’s RF design guru now works at Google.
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