Aqua Computer Aquaero Owners thread

You can do that with an Aquaero 5, 6 or a PowerAdjust if you're going 3-pin. With just a PowerAdjust you'd have all 12 fans running off one channel so they'd all be at the same speed (assuming identical fans - otherwise whatever speed they'd run at from the same voltage). A full Aquaero would give you four channels so you could have four banks of three fans each individually controllable. Something like all three fans on a 360 rad (or all 4 on a 480) would make sense for example.
I currently have, for example:

Channel 1: pump
2: top rad 3x120 fans
3: front fan
4: rear fan
Thanks for the answer.the pump is a d5 vario with dial so it won't need to be hooked on the controler.i,ll get all the aq parts in time to get full advantage of it.
Has anyone fitted a Poweradjust 3 USB, Ultra-version

Here is my setup:
EK-Dual DDC 3.2 PWM X-TOP With Dual Laing 18w DDC Pumps, with heatsink kit ,res top and the ek 250 res

Aquaero 6 Pro USB Fan Controller:

Fan 1:-PWM-EK-Dual DDC 3.2 PWM X-TOP ---pump 1
Fan 2:-PWM-EK-Dual DDC 3.2 PWM X-TOP ---pump 2
Fan 3:-Power-Top 480 Rad Fans x4 noiseblocker eloops(3 pin)
Fan 4:-power-x2 corsair 120 led fans, 1 rear 140 fan

Poweradjust 3 USB, Ultra-version

Fan 1 : 360 rad fans , x3 noiseblocker eloops(3 pin)

I have only just installed the poweradjust, and i am prety sure i have done somthing wrong here.

Before i had the EK-Dual DDC 3.2 PWM X-TOP With Dual Laing 18w DDC Pumps, i was using a single d5 pumpo, long story short, i had tons of probs using jsut 1 pump, restrictive rads ect hardwarelabs balh blah.

Anyhow i had my entire system set up that is was near enough silent. the top 480 rad woudl perm run slow. the bottom rad fans never kicked in until i was gaming or my cpu temps ect went up. in other words it was silent, until it needed more cooling. it was set up near enough perfect for me.

Since having the new pumps and using the power adjuct i cannot get my head around my setup. have i set up somthing wrong here lol ?

Also i thought when you added the power adjust it would put another fan to be controled in the aquareo section. nope i was wrong it has its own section that for the life of me i cannto work out how to set up . it does not have the same options as the aquero, ie temp wise, it looks liek it uses a sep temp sensor.

So i have a feeling i have connected somthing wrong here, i have connected the power of both pumnps to a molex even though i have got x2 pump cables, not sure what to do with them tbh,

any help i would be gratefull
The difference between the standard and ultra versions is not made particularly clear. For reference, the difference is a license key - ie there is no hardware difference. The Ultra version is capable of some autonomy in that it can be given a curve and adjust the speed of its load (fan/fans or pump) via voltage control. The standard can be set manually but cannot be programmed to respond to temperature or flow changes.

There are a number of headers on a PowerAdjust.
  • Power: This is required and unlike an Aquaero, it will not respond unless it is plugged in.
  • USB: allows you to communicate with it via Aquasuite for setup, control and firmware update.
  • Temp: Allows you to plug in a temperature probe and read its temp from Aquasuite. The Ultra version allows automatic variation in control based on this.
  • Fan: Your load, be it fan(s) or pump. Voltage control only, not PWM. 30W max load or 36 with optional heatsink.
  • Flow: You can connect a dumb flow sensor. These are cheaper than the USB flow sensors but require a special cable to connect - the pins are much bigger than fan pins.
  • RPM: You can output a bogus rpm signal to a motherboard header so that it emulates a fan failed situation in the event of an alarm. Some motherboards will allow you to shutdown in this situation if configured to do so in the bios - mine only lets me sound an alarm.
  • Temp: Attach a temperature probe and you can read it or the Ultra version can use it as input.
  • Aquabus: There are two of these ports with the idea being one in, one out but it doesn't matter which you use. These allow you to connect to an Aquaero to link it up.

What you need to do for what you want to achieve is to link your PowerAdjust to your Aquaero by Aquabus cable. One of these should have been included with your Aquaero. Once that is done, the Aquaero will recognise Fan5 as a fan which you can then rename. It will also let you access the flow sensor and temp sensor from the Aquaero (again, you can rename these) and you can have fan curves and alarms based on these inputs or vary the PowerAdjust output from inputs on the Aquaero.

If you plug it in by USB, it allows the Aquasuite software to talk to it but not the Aquaero - they stay as two systems. If you plug the Aquabus cable in, the PowerAdjust becomes part of the Aquaero and you can do the Ultra features with a Standard version because the Aquaero is in charge.
The only time you'll then need the USB connected (which you can leave connected if you wish) is when you need to do a firmware update. There is one of these for the Aquaero with almost every Aquasuite update but not so often for the PowerAdjust - it being much simpler.

Hope this helps.
Aha... now to rememeber how many Aquabus cables you can connect to the aqureo 6 pro lol. i bet i will need a Aquabus cable splitter, which i am prety sure i do not have.
I am prety sure i have the flw sensor connected to the Aquabus cable port on the aquareo.

Btw while i am at it, is there any other special settings i need to do in settings for my pumps ? if you look at a previous post i did in here no one seemd to know.

Many thanks for your help
Missed the question about pump connections. The EK pumps come with a Molex for power and a half-populated 4-pin fan connection for PWM control. This is because they assume (quite reasonably) that the 4-pin header you connect it to isn't going to be pleased with an 18W pump being connected to it. The Aquaero 6 can handle this load though. If you plug the molex connection in for power and the fan connection into the Aquaero for control, one of three things will happen.
1. It will work fine and control will be possible from the Aquaero.
2. It will run at a fixed speed (possibly full) and control isn't possible.
3. It will not run at all.

I'd be interested to know which of these it does for reference. If it doesn't do option 1, the fix is easy. Just buy yourself some fan pins - I'd include a link but I can't find any on OCUK - and move the power wires from the molex into the 4-pin fan plug.
Correct wiring is:
1: Ground (black)
2: Power (Yellow)
3: Tach (green)
4: PWM (blue)

Makes for tidier wiring too as you only have one connection :D
You can chain the Aquabus connection from Aquaero to PowerAdjust and then out to the next device - that's why there are two ports on the PowerAdjust. One of the few they have helpfully done this with.
Flow sensor can be connected directly to the flow sensor header on the Aquaero if it's a dumb version or if it's the more expensive USB version by Aquabus. You can plug it into the PowerAdjust instead and then the PowerAdjust to the Aquaero. Saves buying a Y cable.

I don't think there are any specific settings other than setting it to be PWM controlled rather than the default power controlled. If it's not working, it could be that you need to re-wire the plugs as per my last post. I know that a 4Amp Delta fan I was trying to get working in a split connection fashion did not work but I've not tried it with pumps yet - my DDC isn't PWM and I've just wired it's 3-pin fan connection directly to the Aquaero, ditching the molex. I do have a pair of PWM DDCs waiting to go....but it'll be a while before they're in a loop as I've just started learning SketchUp so I can ask Parvum to cut me some porn :D
Missed the question about pump connections. The EK pumps come with a Molex for power and a half-populated 4-pin fan connection for PWM control. This is because they assume (quite reasonably) that the 4-pin header you connect it to isn't going to be pleased with an 18W pump being connected to it. The Aquaero 6 can handle this load though. If you plug the molex connection in for power and the fan connection into the Aquaero for control, one of three things will happen.
1. It will work fine and control will be possible from the Aquaero.
2. It will run at a fixed speed (possibly full) and control isn't possible.
3. It will not run at all.

I'd be interested to know which of these it does for reference. If it doesn't do option 1, the fix is easy. Just buy yourself some fan pins - I'd include a link but I can't find any on OCUK - and move the power wires from the molex into the 4-pin fan plug.
Correct wiring is:
1: Ground (black)
2: Power (Yellow)
3: Tach (green)
4: PWM (blue)

Makes for tidier wiring too as you only have one connection :D

I have several of the aquacomputer ddc pump cables but where i get lost is they are 3 pin no pwm to connect it
You can chain the Aquabus connection from Aquaero to PowerAdjust and then out to the next device - that's why there are two ports on the PowerAdjust. One of the few they have helpfully done this with.
Flow sensor can be connected directly to the flow sensor header on the Aquaero if it's a dumb version or if it's the more expensive USB version by Aquabus. You can plug it into the PowerAdjust instead and then the PowerAdjust to the Aquaero. Saves buying a Y cable.

I don't think there are any specific settings other than setting it to be PWM controlled rather than the default power controlled. If it's not working, it could be that you need to re-wire the plugs as per my last post. I know that a 4Amp Delta fan I was trying to get working in a split connection fashion did not work but I've not tried it with pumps yet - my DDC isn't PWM and I've just wired it's 3-pin fan connection directly to the Aquaero, ditching the molex. I do have a pair of PWM DDCs waiting to go....but it'll be a while before they're in a loop as I've just started learning SketchUp so I can ask Parvum to cut me some porn :D

Yes its the usb vers, hi flow usb
Here are the settings im talking about

In the fan section of aquautie i have set them both to pwm.
What shoudl the other settings be set to ie:

minimum power % and voltage
hold minimum power
minimum power % and voltage

use start boost duration
start boost power % and voltage
Programmable fuse

cheers for the help btw guys
The DDC pump cables are only any use for the non-PWM DDCs which run off a 3-pin connection. There probably isn't any reason you couldn't use one to connect a PWM DDC but you'd have to select Power Controlled rather than PWM since the pin that isn't connected is the PWM pin. My DDC runs quite happily like this. Settings under Fans are:

Name: Pump :D
Minimum Power: 7V (although I believe it will go lower)
Maximum Power: 12V
Power Controlled
Use Start Boost: Yes, 5 secs at 12V (this isn't strictly necessary but it gets it going and pushes some bubbles out)

Then I run it at 30% on a Fixed Value controller. This equals 8.6V and gives me 2800rpm instead of 4300. It's nice and quiet at that speed and performance doesn't seem to suffer.
You can chain the Aquabus connection from Aquaero to PowerAdjust and then out to the next device - that's why there are two ports on the PowerAdjust. One of the few they have helpfully done this with.
Flow sensor can be connected directly to the flow sensor header on the Aquaero if it's a dumb version or if it's the more expensive USB version by Aquabus. You can plug it into the PowerAdjust instead and then the PowerAdjust to the Aquaero. Saves buying a Y cable.

I don't think there are any specific settings other than setting it to be PWM controlled rather than the default power controlled. If it's not working, it could be that you need to re-wire the plugs as per my last post. I know that a 4Amp Delta fan I was trying to get working in a split connection fashion did not work but I've not tried it with pumps yet - my DDC isn't PWM and I've just wired it's 3-pin fan connection directly to the Aquaero, ditching the molex. I do have a pair of PWM DDCs waiting to go....but it'll be a while before they're in a loop as I've just started learning SketchUp so I can ask Parvum to cut me some porn :D

Hi i have connected a aquabus cable to the power adjuxt and it still does nto show up in the aquero settings as an extra fan. am i missing anything ?

Cheers for the reply
Only two things I can think of: either you need to turn both units completely off - it doesn't do hot-plug - or it could be an Aquabus ID clash. You can check the Aquabus IDs of each device (other than the Aquaero) over a USB connection.
It should show up as an Aquabus connected device under IIRC (not in front of PC) the System tab for the Aquaero.
I sorted it, i went to take out the unit formt he front pannel, and low and behold the aqua bus cable had got loose on the aqua computer lol, school boy error, now sorted.

Many thanks all working as i hoped now.
Ah, an integrate-at-source error. Easy done. Glad it's working. Let me know about the pumps when you get them sorted. Just be good to know so I can tell people the right thing rather than being unnecessarily vague :D
Just got my Aquaero 6 XT - I have a ambient temperature sensor, along with a water temperature sensor which I have used to create a virtual sensor which is absolute called 'delta'

By default my delta temps when idle are anywhere between 2c and 5c.

However, when the delta is below say 4c I would like fans of both my bottom and front radiator to turn off - while leaving the top radiator fans lazy.
If the temperature goes above 4c for example, I want all of the fans to slowly ramp up to maintain a temperature below 10c temperature delta.

Have any of you guys done this before, if so, how?

I was thinking of using a Set Point graph, but don't fully understand how they work is all. Any pointers would be great! :D
No, but have now. You can set up a virtual temperature sensor, set it to "Absolute Temperature Difference" and drag two real sensors or Software sensors into the boxes. That gives you a sensor you can call something like "Delta". You can use it to draw graphs, gauges and readouts in an "Overview Page" or you can use it as a Data Source to control things.

Next you need to add a Controller. To be honest I'm not sure what the "Set Point" controller does exactly. I've used Fixed Values - which you can just slide up and down by hand - and Curve controllers. These let you draw a graph of speed vs temp so you can decide how fast the fans should be at any given temperature. If you want it can be a smooth graph that slowly ramps up the fan speed as the temp increases or you can do it in rougher steps. You should in theory be able to set the speed to zero and have the fan stop if you want. This requires you to set the minimum power for the fan to 0V and also not have any alarms set that go off when it stops - I'll leave you to imagine how I just came up with that!
Here is a most properly easy question to answer im sure i have jsut missed somthing here.

I have created a curve controller for my case fans:

the minimum temp i want them to start working is 30c .and as the inside of the case gets warmer it ramps up the speed of the fans.

For the data source i have used a temp sensor in my case and called it case temp.
for the output i have used the group case fans i set up in the fan section.

i have used the automatic setup:

minum temp 30c
maximum temp 90c
minimum power is 17%
maximum power is 100%

Under the fan set up section
minimum power 0%
Maximum power 100%
hold minimum power is unticked

advanced settings

i have selected speed since my fans are 3 pinned

minimum rpm 0%
Maximum rpm 2000

use start boost is ticked duration 3 seconds
start boost power 100%
12 volts
programmed fuse unticked

The problem is the fans are still spinning, surely if i set them to not come on unless the inside of my case gets to 30c they should not spin am i missing somthing ?
Set them to Power Controlled and that should work. My top fan set stops if I set it to minimum 0 Volts but if I set it to Speed Controlled (with 0 rpm min) it doesn't.

Also, minimum power for the graph may need to be lower. You'll probably find that 17% of 12V which is about 2V is low enough that the fans will stop but you want to be aiming for 'off' rather than failed to spin. To that aim, you may need to alter your graph so that below the minimum voltage needed to spin the fans (trial and error) it drops to zero rather than slowly ramping down. You may also want to set a step around 0°C to run the fan at a reasonable speed or full speed. This will mean that should no temperature reading be available (which presents 0°C), the fan will spin.
can someone advise me on some fan 3way splitters.I have the bitfenix one but i have to remove the yellow wire from 2 of the headers as it gives wrong readings to fan channel.
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