Are Hard Drive manufacturers missing a trick?

5 Aug 2010
I ask this question from a purely hypothetical one. My question/query is this..

Let's say a HDD company started to offer 8 or even 10 year warranties with their products. (or even longer)

Would people return more faulty drives than before?
Have they even done any research into this and the possible financial implications? (which i happen to think would be negligible against the amount of units they would sell with such a "Class leading Warranty" as any good drive would fly off the shelves with such a warranty)

I say this because from my own observations it seems people are VERY reluctant to return faulty drives that are even less than ONE year old.

The reason is obvious. Privacy. Nobody likes to send a hard drive off that holds personal data. Be it family photos/videos, work data, warez or just plain old adult entertainment. For whatever reason we do not return drives when they fail. Yes i'm sure a few will pipe up saying "i sent mine back blah blah blah" but there are very few who do this it seems in reality.

Just look at Amazon reviews/feedback on hard drives. Many, many of the low star ratings are people that have gone back in anger to complain whilst almost ALL seem to point out they did not return their product or would not. Instead deciding to get angry on the site that sold the product to them and stating they would not buy another again. (you know the thing, the usual rage reviewer) but an alarming amount do not return their faulty product.
Amongst my friends and family when someone has a hard drive fail their is the usual anger and frustration but i don't know a single person that returned a hard drive!
I don't see this happening with ANY other everyday product other than hard drives. (internal or external)
So you have to ask yourself this...
Are hard drive manufacturers missing a trick and could a clever company not risk putting a really ridiculously long warranty on their range of drives? The reality is most who have fault after a couple of months would not EVER consider returning such a private piece of their lives to an anonymous entity.

Why hasn't one of the big companies not wised up to this and stuck a 10yr warranty on their drives?

Iv'e never returned a faulty drive myself. have you? and if so was it more than a couple of months old?

I'd be interested to hear from a staff member of Overlockers on this subject as they at least have an idea on faulty hard drive returns numbers. I'm almost certain that most they get returned are almost all brand new though and very few from heavy use.
Discuss :)
17 Feb 2009
What to discuss ? :)
Send "heavy" drive back first to RMA factory (in Holland, for example) and wait 3 weeks until it arrives, being thrown by courier few times, and after that see that drive has been repaired (not swapped to new one), so you will get an "Eureka" why people don't do this :)
10 Jul 2010
The cost to RMA the drive is probably why people can't be bothered. That and people usually bin the drive's packaging, so have no suitable packaging to return it in.
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