Are macbooks any good?

Its not really going to be used for gaming, just want a powerful machine which can be used either at home, or on the go for net use, work, but mainly photo editing etc with my DSLR. So needs to be light to carry around and powerful enough for Photoshop work. Dont really want an extra large screen, 13-15" should be more than big enough

macbook will be perfect for that. It will last you and have a decent sell on vlaue if you want to upgrade in 2 years. We have Dell XPS laptops at work and they are no better in my experience.
Macbook looks :cool: too.
You could always go for the White plastic macbook if you want a nice 13" laptop that can run OSX and windows?
macbook will be perfect for that. It will last you and have a decent sell on vlaue if you want to upgrade in 2 years. We have Dell XPS laptops at work and they are no better in my experience.
Macbook looks :cool: too.
You could always go for the White plastic macbook if you want a nice 13" laptop that can run OSX and windows?

Why are you trying to make him spend extra money? A normal laptop will do the job well if not better, and save a load of cash. Who cares about looks its a laptop! Also warranties are rubbish with macs!
Why are you trying to make him spend extra money? A normal laptop will do the job well if not better, and save a load of cash. Who cares about looks its a laptop! Also warranties are rubbish with macs!

in the long run he will save money. £400 laptops are are generally rubbish quality and in 2-3 years are worthless. Macs tend to hold their values better so once he has made the initial purchase upgrades dont cost that much in comparision.

Nothing worng with apple warranties, we have sent macs back with 1 dead pixel and had it replaced. The same cannot be said for most other companies unless you have loads of dead pixels.

Also had the macbook replaced at work with cracked palm rest, and it was out of warranty.

Some people care about looks, hence why everyone doesnt just buy the base model car/phone etc ;)
As long as you get a good make laptops last a long time. Just dont buy hp/compaq
Lenovos and the like last for years. Mac warranties only last a year unless you pay to extend them. Other companies are three or more. The cheaper in the long run argument is ridiculous. You can buy another laptop with the latest technology later with the left over money rather than keeping your already outdated mac.
As long as you get a good make laptops last a long time. Just dont buy hp/compaq
Lenovos and the like last for years. Mac warranties only last a year unless you pay to extend them. Other companies are three or more.

3 years free if you say your a student/work in education ;)

Dells only ship 1, 3years cost more.
3 years free if you say your a student/work in education ;)

Dells only ship 1, 3years cost more.
Only £80 more, whereas Apple charge ~£200 for their extension; and given the failure rates of Macbook, you're much likely to need to spend weeks without your laptop whilst its under repair.

There really are too many fanboys on the Internet to be able to get good and coherent advice.

I am an owner of both a Macbook (now Macbook Pro owner) and Sony Vaio SZ.
As long as you get a good make laptops last a long time. Just dont buy hp/compaq
Lenovos and the like last for years. Mac warranties only last a year unless you pay to extend them. Other companies are three or more. The cheaper in the long run argument is ridiculous. You can buy another laptop with the latest technology later with the left over money rather than keeping your already outdated mac.

but older macs will run the newer version of the OS, unlike windows. We had to replace all of our work sales laptops for better models when they upgraded to vista as they ran like ****.

I own/work with both and know which i would choose. End of the day he needs to try them before he buys :)
Only £80 more, whereas Apple charge ~£200 for their extension; and given the failure rates of Macbook, you're much likely to need to spend weeks without your laptop whilst its under repair.

There really are too many fanboys on the Internet to be able to get good and coherent advice.

I am an owner of both a Macbook (now Macbook Pro owner) and Sony Vaio SZ.

i own a pc and laptop. I use a macbook at work but dont own one, hardly a fanboy.

Failure rates of the macbook? link to stats compared to HP/dell etc please
Ignoring the bickering....the MacBook's are fantastic pieces of kit :)

Correct. If you have the cash go and buy one.

No one is bickering :)

No but you rolled out the tired old "Apple hardware is overpriced" diatribe.

Yes Apple hardware is expensive but that doesn't mean it is over priced. I'd have had many a Windows laptop and I can tell you for a fact I won't have another one (with my own money) the extra is worth it IMHM but YMMV.
Your argument is valid, but for the price of a macbook he can buy a laptop now, and buy another in the future! If he has limitless funds fair enough, but a pc is a much more sensible option. Also, i cant get my head round macs confusing OS. windows or ubuntu for me.
Why are you trying to make him spend extra money? A normal laptop will do the job well if not better, and save a load of cash. Who cares about looks its a laptop! Also warranties are rubbish with macs!

Apple warranties are good and I very much doubt a "normal" laptop will run OS X!
In the US and the EU (I can't speak for other jurisdictions), yes - legally. No one knows if it is illegal to do so as the EULA hasn't been tested in court, and there are not statute laws forbidding me to do so.

Legal until presented otherwise.
I dont think they are worth the extra money, you are better off spending around £600 on a good normal laptop with good graphics with which you can game with. Laptops such as lenovo's are more reliable than macs.



I've dropped my MBP from 6ft, there isn't a scratch and then only the HD died, 8 hours later (which then got replaced for free...)

I dropped a Dell £900 PoS and it cracked in half, result = dead.

The equiv dell to my MBP was £300 less with less IMO features, was bigger, weighed more etc etc etc.

Never ever going to buy a PC again (and i've been using both since I was 5, and now im 19...)

If you can buy one apple for £1, and the same apple for £1.50, is the second Apple overpriced? Yes it is.

In that case, I wonder why tescos own brand stuff hasn't taken over branded items? Because? Worse quality...
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