Are Men the new Women ???

My girlfriend said to me last week "Yay! I've got £21 worth of points on my Boots card!!". After a bit of maths in my head I told her "You do realise that means you've spent over £500 at Boots to earn those points?". Her typical girly reply "Are you saying I'm ugly because I spend too much on make-up?". She went off and sulked and I was left looking like this guy :confused:

The moral of the story is that I realised I probably spend just as much as her in Boots so I got myself a Boots card as well.

Thats all i use its also a great aftersun.
Digital Punk said:
You don't think Boots are just marketing their products and praying on people's vain insecuritys'?

PS: Sorry if I offended you with the leper remark, but if you have dry skin (that your face falls off) then your local GP would sort you out much better than Boots range of moisturising products.


Dude, have you never had slightly dry skin on your face? It's really quite normal.

I use moisturiser on my face, it goes away.

I don't need to see the doctor. My face doesn't actually fall off.
Dude , I've had slightly dry skin. but there's a difference between dry skin and your "face falling off" which you stated!

If there's a medical condition then no problem, see a Doctor, but I still don't think yor average bloke should use moisturisers tbh.

But like I said, I'm probably old and out of touch with today's youth.
Digital Punk said:
Dude , I've had slightly dry skin. but there's a difference between dry skin and your "face falling off" which you stated!

Metaphors? Heard of 'em?

Maybe you've been left in the dark. Oh no, light a candle, Digital Punk's had a power cut!!
Ive got really dry skin - I dont generally use moisturizer apart from before having a shave (I use cream too). I tend to try and drink more water disguised as orange juice. I blame my PC tbh. :)

As for the :( comment - I have had a little chuckle reading this thread so far...
Digital Punk said:
Dude , I've had slightly dry skin. but there's a difference between dry skin and your "face falling off" which you stated!

If there's a medical condition then no problem, see a Doctor, but I still don't think yor average bloke should use moisturisers tbh.

But like I said, I'm probably old and out of touch with today's youth.

I may exaggerate somewhat from time to time.

But still, I don't like having dry skin, at all. It feels ugly.

I don't know if you've seen me, but I shave my head religiously, am fairly heavily tattooed and pierced for my young age, wear jeans and t-shirts, and am never clean shaven. I'm not a metrosexual.

I just don't like feeling like my face is all dry and ganky.
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Mohinder said:
I may exaggerate somewhat from time to time.

But still, I don't like having dry skin, at all. It feels ugly.

I don't know if you've seen me, but I shave my head religiously, am fairly heavily tattooed and pierced for my young age, wear jeans and t-shirts, and am never clean shaven. I'm not a metrosexual.

I just don't like feeling like my face is all dry and ganky.
U shave ** head but dont shave. I shave but not my head. Still I would never pay £35 for a haircut. ;)
Mohinder said:
I don't know if you've seen me, but I shave my head religiously, am fairly heavily tattooed and pierced for my young age, wear jeans and t-shirts, and am never clean shaven. I'm not a metrosexual.
OK, you don't have to prove you're "macho". I'm not saying your gay or owt!

qwerty said:
Metaphors? Heard of 'em?

Maybe you've been left in the dark. Oh no, light a candle, Digital Punk's had a power cut!!
Lol, what-eveeeerrrrrrr! :p
Digital Punk said:
OK, you don't have to prove you're "macho". I'm not saying your gay or owt!

It's not a case of proving my macho-ness, more letting you know that as opposed to some metrosexual, I'm just a scruffy ****. :D

If I was a bummer I wouldn't be ashamed of it, we is what we is after all :D
/strokes Desmo

I'm so glad I got a real man ! :cool:

He spends about £7 on a haircut every 3 weeks ( mine costs about £70 ! )

Shaves only once a week

He sometimes pinches a bit of my cheap emergency moisturizer if he has some dry skin but that's about it

I would be rather worried if my bloke spent more time/money on grooming than I did ! :eek:
I can't remember how much it cost to have my hair cut. Last time I had it done it was grade 4, it's now shoulder length.

I don't spend too much on hair and beauty stuff, but I have a few bits and bobs. I'm not a metro sexual, despite having longer hair then my GF.
Gilly said:

Im with him, sod all these silly mens face care products. i prefer a more stubblier manly look and my gf tends to agree with me, just a good thing that i have pretty good skin and dont need to moisturise it :p
Nope dont use anything out of the ordinary. Being carefull in the sun does more for skincare than any moisturiser. Ive seen programs that show the big con that is moisturiser. How there is basically no difference between a £2 one and a £50 one.

Despite a lot of evidence to show the limited worth of using them women still bath in it, then spend weeks in the summer trying to cook their skin off. How dumb is that.

I once topped up my wifes cream with the after work handcream we have at work. She didnt even notice and still doesn't let me do it again to prove it. She would rather spend spend spend.
I think a lot of the stuff is pure gimmickry. For instance, during my youth I discovered that soapy products actually brought out spots as opposed to getting rid of them. Not only that, they made my skin dry, which required some kind of hand lotion. As soon as I started washing without any soapy products and simply washed myself very thoroughly with a flannel the spots disappeared and I never suffered dry skin again. And these bloody shampoos and conditioners. They get your hair so clean, too clean infact, that you become a static conductor with an electric charge. Gimmickry, all of it!
In complete honesty, I don't think I spend more than around £35 per year on hair cuts...

Local barber 7 quid a pop, lasts me a couple months, then repeat.

I do have a 'skin-care regime' which is simple and cheap and does the job.

It is amazing how much some people spend on creams and washes etc, when most the time they would have much better skin if they just ate properly in the first place and had a simple skin care regime
I've not had a haircut for 2 and a half years, I've saved a fair bit of money :) The only thing I use is anti persperant and shaving stuff.
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