Are my memory timimngs ok?

Hmmm major problems, the memory is failing mem test even at 2.7v @ddr400, do i take the memory out and change slots? Or test the memory individaully.

Not good. :(
Mikey1280 said:
Whats the stock volts? I thought it was 3.3v or something?

No 2.8 i think, anyway tested one stick it passed mem test @ 265mhz didnt try higher, the other stick wouldnt pass mem test at any speed even stock, so i will try it in another machine before i rma it, i am just worried what they will send me as a replacment as iirc they dont make these any more. :(
Hmm the plot thickens, i tested the modules in the same memory bank on my mobo, one of the sticks passes mem test at [email protected] however the other module wont pass mem test at 200hz @2.8v.

So i took the faulty module to my friends house and tried it in his machine, the memory module ran at [email protected] and passed mem test for 2 hours.

What the hell is going on?

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