Are PCs really better than consoles?

Just going to add some rough facts here, baring in mind I knew the girl.

She was always a 'geek' with this sort of stuff and I have no doubt she does the majority of it on her own. However, her BF is also largely into IT and building gaming rigs etc and I have no doubt he will help her with a lot of it. But that's certainly not to take anything away from her.
Woooh... thread got real...

Came in expecting an April 1st joke... got bewbs... then got to made to feel guilty about perving at bewbs... :(
The amount of insecurity being projected from someone who is intimidated by women in this post is pretty pathetic.

The checklist:
  • Immediately brings up looks. Feeling attracted to someone isn't an attack on you, they haven't actually done anything to you at all. They just happen to exist and you're aware of them.
  • Denying her capabilities and/or intelligence. Because your inferiority complex you can only cope with if a man was the trigger. There are women out there who are more intelligent than you. Know more about computers than you. Are better at games than you. It's just something you have to deal with.
  • Claim she is in it for alterior motives and isn't interested in the subject. The fail safe of questioning someone's motivations is apparently better than confronting reality.

You could just leave that nonsense in the 20th Century and just accept that there is a young woman who is both knowledgeable and interested in PC hardware & gaming that has created a successful YouTube channel from that interest. You would be making the world a fraction of a percent better for doing so. Every little helps.

Ah. I forgot that you can't call anyone on their crap anymore because it immediately relegates you to that of an angsty teenage girl blogging her rebellious phase.

No actual criticism of the channel's content. Not pointing out any errant details in a review or disagreed with a conclusion of the review. Just how he doesn't like the female because of her looks and shes doing too fancy talk words for girls so must have a male scripting it. Must just be my inner white-knight making me think that's a problem, I apologize.


or you could accept the fact there are hordes of women with little to no interest in gaming that are happy to make videos because they know most men have the depth of a piece of string.

it sickens me to see women flaunting their bits in what are supposed to be videos about gaming obviously based on the delusion that all gamers are spotty nerds that never get laid.

even an ex pornstar started doing it FFS, have you seen the size of her ridiculous breasts on twitch?

How are vulnerable gamers such as your self supposed to ignore those things?



I believe anything her chest says to me !

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or you could accept the fact there are hordes of women with little to no interest in gaming that are happy to make videos because they know most men have the depth of a piece of string.

it sickens me to see women flaunting their bits in what are supposed to be videos about gaming obviously based on the delusion that all gamers are spotty nerds that never get laid.

even an ex pornstar started doing it FFS, have you seen the size of her ridiculous breasts on twitch?

How are vulnerable gamers such as your self supposed to ignore those things?


It sickens you?

Jesus wept.

Also after going to a couple of gaming conventions, the whole nerds who don't get laid isn't so far from the truth in a lot of cases. You only have to look on Twitch to see how many are desperate for a womans attention by chucking money at them in the vain hope they may get something in return.
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It sickens you?

Jesus wept.

Also after going to a couple of gaming conventions, the whole nerds who don't get laid isn't so far from the truth in a lot of cases.

Not everyone, it's more like <40%. A lot of people come to those conventions with their GF's so they can't really be virgins... :rolleyes:

BTW I'm just making up the percentage based on the 3 conventions I've been to, did you know that 89.7% statistics are made up? :D


Wife & 2 Children.

Doesnt stop me liking breasts.

Well that just means you're a healthy man haha, there's nothing wrong in looking as long as you don't touch whilst being married :p
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Is sex really better than not having sex?

Are big breasts really better than no breasts?

Is beer really better than no beer?
Actually, she's on here isn't she?

Yes, but she has not been active in some time. Maybe because of all the people calling her a fake attention seeker, who knows?

I guess some men really do have an issue with attractive intelligent women knowing things about computers instead of them being in the kitchen making sandwiches :(

But even if she is just in it to make money, so what? Better than being on the dole and at least she seems to know a thing or two about computers. Live and let live, I say :)

There is clearly demand for what she is offering - and in real terms it is completely harmless. It's no different to having Rachel Riley on Countdown. Would that show be anywhere near as popular if it was some plane Jane or fella? No. Is Rachel Riley a fake? No. She is just a very attractive, intelligent woman using her natural resources (mind and body) to make a life for herself.

Someone with similar intelligence but whom looks like the arse end of a cow wouldn't bring in the viewers. Facts of life people, deal with it :)
Well that just means you're a healthy man haha, there's nothing wrong in looking as long as you don't touch whilst being married :p

The rule is you can window shop as long as you don't buy it or try it on ;)

I don't see anything wrong with what she does, nothing wrong with getting your fix of tech and eye candy at the same time, trust me if it was being presented by someone who looked like Bella Emberg I doubt i'd have watched many if any of the vids.
I hate her voice, no idea why, just cannot stand listening to her speak. The rest is all good.
I hate her voice, no idea why, just cannot stand listening to her speak.

Same :(. Sounds like she knows her stuff though. To be fair I hate most of the youtube tech reviewers voices :D.

Its hardly surprising she doesn't frequent this forum anymore is this is the response she gets lol.

Fair play for exploiting a market.
I hate her voice, no idea why, just cannot stand listening to her speak. The rest is all good.
Similar here too.
I think she's fantastic, gets massive points for doing so much and knowing what she's on about, as well as presenting some pretty engaging topics and products.


As a presenter, she is very boring simply because her voice is monotonous, she talks really fast, slurs her words together, she quotes a whole bunch of numbers all at once and the whole thing is like listening to an audiobook at high speed!!

I really *want* to know what she's saying, but it's very hard to pick up everything.
Perhaps she could take a leaf out of LinusTechTips's 'as fast as possible' TechQuickie series, or something...
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