Are PCs really better than consoles?

She's had a few rant videos about people commenting on her looks. It's beyond me as she's clearly using it as a way of gaining attention.

Pity she has absolutely no personality which is the most important thing for vloggers (or whaever the kids call them these days).

Actually, she's on here isn't she?

She's also not attractive so
It sickens you?

Jesus wept.

Also after going to a couple of gaming conventions, the whole nerds who don't get laid isn't so far from the truth in a lot of cases. You only have to look on Twitch to see how many are desperate for a womans attention by chucking money at them in the vain hope they may get something in return.

I considered putting some of my csgo clutches and games on YouTube with my mrs in some low cut tops afer her boob job I'd be able to retire at 25
so what should she do? put on a mask to be taken seriously? we wouldnt be having this discussion if she had a face like the broad side of a bus!

I agree. She posts videos onto the internet, so obviously likes to look her best before, potentially, the whole world sees her. What's wrong with that? It's not like she's got her boobs out and a camera looking down (aka MissHannahMinx).
I think she looks very restrained compared to some of the internet girls of gaming, and looks no worse than a newsreader really. It's no different to a guy putting on a nice shirt in my opinion. I don't even think of her as one of those internet girls of gaming because she seems to have an interest in PCs (rather than just being handed a script).

It is probably frustrating for her, knowing that she would be taken seriously if she wore a boring suit or something but doesn't like wearing suits. Maybe she just wanted to look nice for the internet?

I think there really is a problem in gaming circles with attitudes towards women, and I'm not even sure it is just the minority ruining it for the majority.
I thought this was a console vs pc thread so didn't click before but now I have looked at the video ...

As it's a april fools thing (I hope), this is what I thought having never seen her before

1. She is reading a script
2. She is trying to sound semi-posh
3. The audible saliva when she is talking is horrendous
4. She seems pretty clueless (even on other videos) *maybe this is part of her charm to certain people? (ditzy blonde)
5. She gets clicks/views solely for her looks & outfits (seems like every preview image on her youtube is her next to said product)

Just seems a reflection of society that she has so many subscribers but I guess fair play to her.
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