Are refurb chairs risky?

which do you prefer? My refurb leap is a good few years old now but keeps dropping down every so often. Not sure if to fix it or buy a new one.
The Gesture is better, but a good condition Leap V1 will still be better than most chairs on the market. I'd look into fixing it. By dropping, do you mean the height? I'd look into the gas cylinder, you might find this useful (vid says v2 but still relevant for v1):

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'hermanmilleroutletuk' - picked up my refurbished Embody from them on Ebay last year. I couldn't spot a single mark or flaw - it might as well have been new, aside from the fact it arrived in unofficial packaging.

I paid approx 1/2 price though, not sure why the refurb price has climbed to over £1K now. Not worth it at current price, as you don't get the warranty.
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