Personally I'm a big fan of the
StackExchange network. Clean, fast, helpful, and one login to access everything. I think eventually forums will become a dinosaur like BBS' have unless they evolve.
I think the problem a lot of forums have, including this one, is not knowing when to merge different sub-forums together.
E.g., random example,
Mobile and Tablet Games. There's 128 topics since 2017. Kill it and merge it with a general gaming board where more people will see it.
I think this is probably one of the reasons GD is quite dead nowadays, too many sub-forums got added which dilates it too much.
I'd prefer less sub-forums and to allow users to tag their posts with categories (like Reddit/StackExchange/several forums do) so people can easily search to filter down to what they want to see.
It’s great that people have to reply and contribute to show they agree or approve of a post. I’ve said many times, and I genuinely mean it, that the day likes get added to posts here is the last day I post on the forum.
Often I'd like to say "thanks" to someone without replying, either because I don't want to drag up an old thread or because replying to say thanks just adds unneeded spam.
I remember when this was brought up before people suggested it should be added to the more specialist boards here rather than say GD, where it would be used more correctly.
REDDIT jesus... I cant work out how your even meant to use nevermind follow that stupid format. Hell even old BBS boards was easier to use.
Maybe I am just old.
- Use
- Use the extension
It makes it so much better.