Are we British or English?

Nathan said:
Sorry what sport is wales good at? ;)

Well, we're fairly good at rugby when we're fielding a full strength team. Granted we lost to England the other week, but we were down to 14 men at the time, and you can't be perfect every time (as England found out in the last Six nations) :)

Bearing in mind there are only about 2.5 milion of us and you lot breed like rabbits, it's not bad considering :D
Blackstar said:
I'm Scottish, if i'm not in the UK and someone asks me i say that i'm Scottish and that's what i write on forms.

I was always told at school never to write Scottish under Nationality when filling in forms as it is frowned on....If your applying for a job with an English firm then perhaps, yes it would be :( :p

When abroad i tend to say i'm from the UK but refer to myself as being Scottish if i'm ever asked......Which is very rare as the accent kinda gives it away :o
My housemate worked in America over the summer, he has a welsh accent. Yet they all thought he was from London. They didn't even know where wales was.

So that's why you should just say British when talking to foreigners and English/Welsh/Scottish etc when talking to britons.
I don't really know how i see my self, i suppose i see myself as British first as i'm part Welsh.

Not sure i see the point of seeing myself as English, what exactly has england done to be proud of ? If anyone counts anything after 1704 then you are wrong :p

However Britain has done many things i am proud of.
RandomTom said:
I was born in England, therefore English!

People argue that makes you sound like someone with ancient values on racism and being ultra-patriotic but tbh I would have thought scottish people would rather call themselves Scottish, French French and the Germans; German, so there is my belief. :)

I would argue that is not enough to make you English.
Being born in the UK makes you a British Citizen.
Having English parentage makes you English.

In other words if your parents were Chinese and you were born in England you would be British but you'd still "be" chinese.
I count myself as English. Born in England, my parents were born in England and my parents parents were also born in England. :)
VIRII said:
Hmm what about their great grandparents .... ;)
My great^2400 grandparents were from Pakitstan and my great^3000 grandparents were from Saudi and my great^3050 grandparents were from Africa
Errr, my parents wernt born in England.

Dad in germany and hes frisian german, and my mum was born in south america.

Am i english then? :P
Isn't it something like if you're born in England and of British decent your nationality is British English? But say if you were Pakistani (for example) and moved to England and learnt English you'd be English/Pakistani. Say if you were born in Britain but of Pakistani decent you'd be British/Pakistani.

Maybe I am just confusing myself but Im trying to think of what you would put on a job application form where you have to check the boxes to indicate your ethnicity.
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