About 85th Percentile in London
where ? Peterborough perhaps but the A14 on rush hr is horrible (less horrible than it used to be but still horrible) and that is still a hell of a commuteSome right cheap places around though there if you don't mind a commute
These numbers aren’t so helpful as absolutes. A salary of 60k in some cheap place up North is probably better (or similar???) to 100k in Cambridge or London.
Really asking people their percentile based on location and age is more relevant I’d say. There are websites for this.
A fraction of what he earns^^Somewhere between “Borderline homeless” and “Can we put the heating on for 10 minutes?”
You can put age, region and wage and it gives you a relative percentile. We could then put a poll for the ranges, 10 wide, e.g. 0-10, 11-20, and then add some specific ones in the 90s. 91-95, 96, 97, 98, 99.
You can put age, region and wage and it gives you a relative percentile. We could then put a poll for the ranges, 10 wide, e.g. 0-10, 11-20, and then add some specific ones in the 90s. 91-95, 96, 97, 98, 99.
I'm the equivelant of between £46k - £59k but more importantly, I have a fantastic work / life balance and am comfortable so I have no desire to earn more even though I could if I wanted to.
That's crazy! Imagine being content with what you have and not chasing figures.
Its the dream! For other people enough is never enough to fill the empty gap present in their pointless lives....
Its the dream! For other people enough is never enough to fill the empty gap present in their pointless lives....
I requested it but the mods have shunned mePossible to do an anonymous survey?
Tell us how rich you are dude..Possible to do an anonymous survey?
What did I ever do to you for you to get so personal
Work/life balance is the key. With the emphasis on life.
You ain't going to be on your deathbed wishing you'd earned £100k more a year or done extra overtime and worked that bit harder.
Work/life balance is the key. With the emphasis on life.
You ain't going to be on your deathbed wishing you'd earned £100k more a year or done extra overtime and worked that bit harder.