I'm an Englishman and, where required, happy to be counted as a Briton.
Personally, I feel that the English need more representation politically (via an English Parliament) and across the board culturally (rather than having our nation conveniently segmented by region). I am sick to the back teeth of the pathetic trend for Blatantly English people (born, raised and educated in England) refusing to call themselves anything other than British due to the idiotic idea that the English Flag is some kind of racist emblem (which it never has been any more than any other nation) or the convenient logo of a few hooligans decades ago.
If we identified as a nation more we would control that narrative and get rid of these ridiculous, outdated stereotypes that exist only because decent English people lacked the coordination and collective gusto to distance themselves from ****wit hooligans in the 80's, early 90s, a few morons in the EDL etc. We passed over our identity to Westminster politicians who assumed that the English were happy to have their national identity watered down into a few regions melded into the UK and were happy to keep England and the English watered down too as it meant Westminster would always be the premier parliament rather than the side-show it would be if the English organised themselves.
Quite separately, I believe that flags in this nation and others should NEVER be allowed to be used for any political or cultural purpose other than to represent the Nation as a whole under strict conditions. The adoption of this ideal would have stopped the BNP or EDL, hooligans (and the media) from polluting what the flags represent.
Anyway, that's my view - take it or leave it.