are you in favour of a winter break in the pl?

No, once the season starts I don't like it interrupted, the international breaks are bad enough and they're only for two weeks. Selfish. :p


Im not convinced it helps - always thought that FA Cup Final then CL final should be the climax of the season. Having "standard" EPL games after those two is a bit of a let down.

it's immediately obvious to me that if there's a 2 week break in january then rather than the players having two weeks off their club will fly them to God knows where to play exhibition matches and friendlies to increase income. They WON'T get a break and if anything it will actually be worse. What would help is if the EPL mandated something like a forced day off after a match (not sure if some clubs do this?) or that players must have 2 days a week without training or something?

I agree totally with your thoughts on a winter club tour - thats probably the case. Mandatory two week closing for football squad members (like F1's summer break, I know this is classified as a "factory shutdown", Im not sure if this means ALL staff (like PR / HR etc etc) or "just" design / fabrication etc personell).

(but this means playing EPL games after CL final etc which I would be against, unless this moves further into the summer as well, but this might cause further complications)
A mandatory day off after matches would never work - there are times when a lot of clubs (not even just over christimas) have like three games in 10 or 11 days, having to fit two mandatory rest days into that as well would be impossible (especially with requirements for traveling - unless travelling is classified as "restful" lol)

Also causes issues with re-arranged matches
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