Are you loyal to a particular mobo brand?

Never had an issue with DFI, Soltek or Soyo. Had a Soyo board once and I think it was perhaps the best board I've ever used. It wasn't great on features but was absolutely rock solid. ASRock have always been quite reliable for me too and my current board is a Z68-based ASRock.

Used to like Abit and Epox too, both of whom no longer exist.

Liked DFI boards apart from one cant remember which one of the Lanparty ones for some reason it didnt like nvidia cards.
ABIT loved them too.

What about PC Chips remember them !

Now Gigabyte all the way. Had brand new faulty ASUS boards and MSI Boot loop of death P65 boards when I strayed away.
Stick with what you know. Gigabyte for me.
Like some of the 'older' folk ;) on here i was a huge fan of ABit boards, flipped to Asus, when ABit went away.
There customer support is horrid i admit, but ive never had a defective mobo, touch wood, Of late though, thier mid range mobo's dont seem to be up to stratch, compared to say Gigabyte.
I have a P6T atm, but am just about to give Gigabyte ago, heard good things from friends who swear by them, like i do about Asus.

Soo, Asus & Gigabyte for me. I have always avoided ASRock & MSi for no reason? Like the look of EVGA stuff, but to pricey.
Asus, had a Asus board for 6 years (still going strong) then tried two Gigabyte boards nothing but problems so sticking with Asus from now on, although dreading if something goes wrong and I have to RMA as heard their VERY slow.
I've gone full circle originally using gigabyte then going to Asus, I must say my experience recently with Asrock has been excellent with there tech guys coming back with answers same day with a asrock z77 extreme11,

I then went stupidly for the msi z87 gd65 even after Stulid saying get gigabyte.

So I'm now back on gigabyte and will be happy
Back in asus you mean? Hehe

I stick with asus as I like their community interaction in videos etc with that jj guy. And I've always been happy with the rog boards
No brand loyalty at all, but have had 5 ASUS boards, no problems with any of them, the only issue I had was with a board I broke being clumsy.

Will probably stick with ASUS until they let me down.
I'm not loyal to any brand.

But if a company treats me with respect as a consumer, by respect I mean good rma continued driver support etc... then I will by their products again.

For example, I went gigabyte mobo and gpu last time, and I think I will go again next time round as well.

Also Crucial have satisfied me as a consumer too so my next SSD will be from them, IF the SSD is competitive at its price point at the time of purchase of course.
No brand loyalty at all, but have had 5 ASUS boards, no problems with any of them, the only issue I had was with a board I broke being clumsy.

Will probably stick with ASUS until they let me down.

I didnt like Asus, as they left me in limbo with drivers when Win7 came out. They where only beta drivers avialable and they never botheredto update them.

Wasnt impressed.
Absolutely not loyal. Companies are constantly changing position with better products and I choose accordingly. If a company has crap RMA or customer service I might not use them. MSI are heavily active with beta bios development which I really like for example, whilst Asus (at present) are just damn terrible in this regard, and have for a long time dropped customers with older products with nowhere to go when key issues still need sorting.

Choose your mobo on the specs, quality and customer support. No point buying a brand if -for example- they don't properly support 4x SLI when a competitor product does, and that's what you need.
Used to use Asus but after my striker 2 took 4 month for an rma never again, used evga and they were a bit rubbish for overclocking but was the only board with full black colour scheme, then to gigabyte used x79 ud3&5 with were rubbish for maintaining voltage now on asrock and extremely impressed with there kit.
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