Are you ready for a £7500 kettle lead?

Guys get involved with the new Nordost USb cable, it really made my printer faster, quieter (less noise picked up ;)), and also smell better :eek:
Yeah the answer is defintely no. Most people in pro audio laugh at audiophiles spending silly money on cables like this. Goto a pro-audio forum like and check some of the cable threads there. You'd be suprised how little top studios spend on there cables.

Dave Gilmour's studio has a vast selection of Russ Andrews based trickery

I have a YellO power cable that I got off ebay for £10, does that mean I fail? Was worth a go for that much I thought.

No doubt that the jazzy cable is made better than a £2 normal cable, but when it costs over 3500 times as much, is it 3500 times better?
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