ARK - What a joke

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Installed it, stuck it to max, nope, high, nope, medium, nope... Had to slide down resolution scaler to get decent fps... On a 980 Ti at 1080p?????

The game is beyond buggy, looks like arse.

How, and why is this popular? It's titles like this that are killing the scene. People playing it and streaming creating this stupid childish 'hype' which sells the game. Which ultimately is a farce.

Rant over, got my refund, thank you and good night.
Arkham Knight was the nail for me. Never again will I buy a game before it's released. Unless it's GTA or a Valve title, they can never go wrong :p
Yep, same here. Anything that's 'early access' is just a no go for me. The devs get their money and then give up on it.

Absolute joke.
I disagree. Consumers throwing money at early access and shoddy developers is what is ruining PC gaming. :)

Nail, head. Bosh!

Agree a gazillion percent. Not just early access titles, but across the entire gaming spectrum with pre-orders and DLC too.

Just please stop throwing money at these devs/pubs (with a cherry on top and some hundreds and thousands!) :p
Thankfully steam brought in the refund policy. If a game isn't worth the money yet, it shouldn't get it.

It annoys me that early access is even a thing. Releasing what is basically an alpha version and hoping people will overlook all its major game breaking flaws because its only early access.
I disagree. Consumers throwing money at early access and shoddy developers is what is ruining PC gaming. :)

Well developers are just as bad imo for effectively lying to people about the realistic expectations of a game, I'd buy into a game if in a year it was good quality but the fact is the drive just isnt there after the cashflow slows down.

DayZ, looking right in your direction.
Installed it, stuck it to max, nope, high, nope, medium, nope... Had to slide down resolution scaler to get decent fps... On a 980 Ti at 1080p?????

The game is beyond buggy, looks like arse.

How, and why is this popular? It's titles like this that are killing the scene. People playing it and streaming creating this stupid childish 'hype' which sells the game. Which ultimately is a farce.

Rant over, got my refund, thank you and good night.

Man I think you're doing something wrong or something in the background is affecting it, I'm on a 4790k at stock with a 980ti and I had everything on max at 1440 and had the game running pretty smoothly and I'm pretty sure Devrij was the same.
Ark's one of the few games that have nailed early access and the game itself feels a lot more complete than some of the newer titles that were released as ready to go, the only reason I stopped playing was because of the massive amounts of time it took out my life and I couldn't get back into the mmo habit again.
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I think Steam should require developers to make a demo for all new games.

Back in the day people wouldn't buy games without playing a demo first. Now they blindly throw money at them :/
Not just early access titles, but across the entire gaming spectrum with pre-orders and DLC too.

Agreed. I don't mind DLC as much as I often don't feel the need to buy all of them, even for a title I love, (and when I do they are often pennies in the Steam sale). There are two kinds of DLC, though: genuine, extra content that was made to complement the main game; and content that should have been part of the main release but has been taken out and repackaged to extract more money from users.

Well developers are just as bad imo for effectively lying to people about the realistic expectations of a game,

Agreed, but they are businesses and if people are willing to fund their poor practices they will never change. It is the consumer that needs to change first.
Agreed, but they are businesses and if people are willing to fund their poor practices they will never change. It is the consumer that needs to change first.

True, but if you hire a builder, pay him up front and then he just abandons the project after a year you go to court to try and get your money back.

With modern gaming its as if theres no comeback, you're just gifting a company £20-30 sometimes even hundreds of £££ in goodwill.

It needs regulating properly, Steams refund policy doesn't cover early access enough.

There are good examples but there are ten times the amount of bad ones.
I think Steam should require developers to make a demo for all new games.

Back in the day people wouldn't buy games without playing a demo first. Now they blindly throw money at them :/

Agreed - or force a free weekend or something.

IMO Fractured Space is a great example of how to do it.

They gave a free copy of the game to everyone who played on the free weekend - since then I've gotten all my mates to buy the game to play it as well.

Of course this only really works if the game is decent in the first place... if your game is a buggy, half finished PoS then it stands to reason you wouldn't want people to experience it until you've already got your hands on their money :p
Bought this the week it came out then got a refund less than a week later. It wasn't even playable at half decent settings so what's the point. I do like the premise so I'm keeping an eye on it.
Arkham Knight was the nail for me. Never again will I buy a game before it's released. Unless it's GTA or a Valve title, they can never go wrong :p


Case in point H1Z1, paying £14.99 to alpha, beta test.... should be a free game. All these publishers catching on to the gravy train!

Only two kickstarters i'd consider buying, Squad and that Space sim game (cant think of the name).
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