ARK - What a joke

I dont get this. Its early access, EA isnt new and people are aware of what it is and what to expect. On top of that you can read the game forum to see what sort of issues its having.

Although judging from your post your main problem is unstable fps (the most noted issue with Ark discussed immensely on the Ark thread in here). Yet proclaim the gameto be a joke and buggy beyond belief.

I dont get this thread lol
I dont get this. Its early access, EA isnt new and people are aware of what it is and what to expect. On top of that you can read the game forum to see what sort of issues its having.

Although judging from your post your main problem is unstable fps (the most noted issue with Ark discussed immensely on the Ark thread in here). Yet proclaim the gameto be a joke and buggy beyond belief.

I dont get this thread lol
I don't get the hate for Early Access in general. There's plenty of examples of this business/development model done right. If you're looking for a polished experience with guarantees, then obviously avoid Early Access and wait to buy the finished product. Or at least read up on impressions before jumping in so you know what you're getting into. Anybody who waited more than a couple hours after ARK was released would have had access to user impressions that would have mentioned how awful the game runs.

That said, from what I've heard, the performance really is unacceptable. It's one thing to claim you're just in early development, but if you're doing an Early Access model, I think you should have the responsibility of at least providing something that isn't a complete travesty in terms of performance.

Of course, this message wont get across cuz this game seems to sell like gangbusters anyways. Game has a great premise, but I wont touch it with a ten foot pole til I get some assurance that it wont run like molasses on my 'mere' GTX970.
The game runs ok if you tweak the gfx settings to suit your system. Yes it's unoptimised and needs work, but easily made playable by adjusting the settings. I'm playing at 1600p on a gtx780 and 2700k and have solid performance.

Other than FPS issues this is the most solid early access game I've ever played. No major bugs, almost no minor bugs either. Tbh it's more solid than many AAA titles. There is so much to do I'll be entertained for months to come.
The game runs ok if you tweak the gfx settings to suit your system. Yes it's unoptimised and needs work, but easily made playable by adjusting the settings. I'm playing at 1600p on a gtx780 and 2700k and have solid performance.

Other than FPS issues this is the most solid early access game I've ever played. No major bugs, almost no minor bugs either. Tbh it's more solid than many AAA titles. There is so much to do I'll be entertained for months to come.
In the PC gaming world, saying a game has 'solid performance' really isn't that helpful. Many people have different standards and what you consider solid performance, another may consider unplayable garbage. Describe what sort of performance you're actually getting using quantifiable terms, not just 'runs fine/good' or whatever.

Anything short of 50-60fps is not 'solid performance' to me, for instance. I didn't buy an upper range GPU to play games at 30fps, much less a shaky 30fps.
It is one of the games that one or two graphics options will kill your fps.

But the game is on mostly high and max avg 40 fps + for me which is fine for most on this type of game. You still get sub 10fps briefly here and there (mainly loading new areas) but for me thats expected and allowanle being EA.
I hate to be that guy but I think it's a hilarious game. It's early access though so why buy it if you don't expect bugs, glitches etc and understand that it may never improve or be finished. Honest I've had a blast on my mates server with this.

Looks pretty nice too IMHO, you just need to play around with the settings.
Valve are genuinely ruining PC Gaming.


Seriously though, Valve's handling of Steam in recent years has been shoddy at best and out right insulting to consumers at worst. Early Access games that are barely functional, Greenlight games getting absolutely no QA, not to mention the whole paid mods debacle.

All of these things are fantastic ideas but Valve's handling of them has been terrible.

Seriously though, Valve's handling of Steam in recent years has been shoddy at best and out right insulting to consumers at worst. Early Access games that are barely functional, Greenlight games getting absolutely no QA, not to mention the whole paid mods debacle.

All of these things are fantastic ideas but Valve's handling of them has been terrible.

Greenlight and paid mods aside, I don't see Valve ruining anything? They now refund you no questions asked for purchases so there is no loss for the consumer. Yeah STEAM prices are a bit dearer than say GMG or Kinguin, but the added peace of mind should a game be a flop is worth the extra cost IMO.

I wish I bought Batman via STEAM as G2A are not refunding customers at all.
i guess the barriers to entry are a lot lower these days when it comes to game development with cheap or free to license game engines and you can pretty much teach yourself a lot of programming in the internet age, a monkey infront of a keyboard can pretty much make a game these days Only problem is that's no substitute for actual talent and imagination to create something good.
Ark is the best early access game i've bought and i've bought a lot of them. No performance issues either running at 1080p with the rig in my sig, most settings at high as well.

It's a well designed, well made game and I can see it having a huge life span.
I'm running at 1440p averaging 45fps (except in forests flying and rain)with everything except AA on high. I've only got a 7970.

There are still huge lag issues present buts it notably better than it was after they swapped the EU server provider.

It's got loads of bugs but it is early access ie a mass release alpha version. It's far from complete. Dx12 should improve performance massively(well fingers crossed).

*horrible lag occasionally

* dinos dammit!
But for all its bad points the game is fun, and could end up offering us a lot, so maybe the money going into it now, will be what makes this game survive, and with that all the fixes will hopefully come!
But for all its bad points the game is fun, and could end up offering us a lot, so maybe the money going into it now, will be what makes this game survive, and with that all the fixes will hopefully come!

literally everybody said this about DayZ, including me.

And WarZ.

there are many more on that list too, its the same old tired line 'the money will make it good'

literally everybody said this about DayZ, including me.

And WarZ.

there are many more on that list too, its the same old tired line 'the money will make it good'

At least DayZ is very playable, albeit at low fps. It's consistent, you know what you're gonna get.
Ark was just not playable for me.
You can't please everyone I guess, I for one love this game owned it 2 weeks and have already logged 100+ hours.

Yes its got its bugs and performance problems but its an alpha early access, how the hell can you expect the game to be perfect.

To everyone bashing this game... Go back to your triple A titles and stop moaning. It might be yet another survival title but at least this one is unique.
I jumped on the hype train for ARK, had the same issues with you. Absolutely disgusting performance and not even near the level of a typical early access game. Seems like it has potential, not that I'll find out. Promptly refunded on Steam.
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