***ArmA 3 Thread***

Its not the 60 quid that the game will cost me that worry`s me.It`s the upgrading our computers we will inevitably be doing after it runs like a pile of doggy doo.:)

It will run like poo , every version has since the begining , until a few patches sort it out
British Armed Forces and Private Military Company are also standalone. :)

Obviously BIS have something up their sleeve, or they wouldn't offer the DLC with the package..

If I get two or three DLC with the supporters pack them I'm a happy guy, considering I have spent over £80 just now on products just for myself and another £25 for my sons Arma x version...

Guess I better spend the next few days trying to tweak my I5 to be stable at 5gig, think we might need it..
If i hadnt got the 7970 already id be eyeing up an nvidia for the physx. Might actually be worth something. Trying to decide on the 20 or 60 quid version but on hols next week anyway argh.
Someone said that the Physx gen 3 won't needed to be run solely on Nvidia, that it can run equally as well on the CPU.

Saying that, time to install my old Nvidia card next to my 7950 and get it to run Physx...
Sadly I can't really justify 60 quid on a pc game right now, even something as legendary as arma. Defo pre-ordering one of the other two packages though, just depends on whether the digital maps are worth the extra 15 quid or not as I'm not really fussed about the other stuff in the deluxe edition, though I could try and sell the cold war assault...
TBH I think everyone's PC is going to cry excepts Gregg's with his Titans in SLI!

I'll be happy to run at 2500mtr, in high and hopefully get between 25-35fps...
Game will run fine on current hardware - the recommended GPU is a GTX560 for Christ's sake!
From Tech videos they were running at double the view distances you can get now. While i fully expect the IQ to be higher. I think we may be mildly surprised by medium level performance. Arma runs like dirt on every setting normally or has for years. But i'm hoping the transition wont be so extreme with this one.
I am all over this like flies around ****!

This and DayZ standalone are all im looking forward to really this year.

Well and Watchdogs, if it is as good as it looks.
I think I'll just get the 25 euro version on Tuesday. It looks great, really excited can't wait to play it. DayZ Standalone should be awesome also when it comes out in another month or two hopefully. Then GTA at the end of the year... :D

Edit: i heard they were running all the demo footage with a 580? So I'd say I could run it quite well at medium to high settings with my 2500k at 4.3ghz and my GTX570, seeing as Arma is more of a CPU dependent game.
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i dont know why everyone getting dramatic over its gunna crush my pc its basically a tweaked arma 2 so it wont be much more difficult to run than arma 2.

if im honest im more interested in dayz standalone first so ill probably get that then this when few patches and such are out
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