Armageddon Arrives.

Stop worrying about tax returns, get a good size convertible car, mount a machine gun on the bonnet and take out every smart car i come across.
I'd try and mate with an animal


Mr Owl is not amused.
I'd live in a giant skyscraper in London and call it "Marky Corp" - Then I'd grab as many supplies as I can and put them in my giant skyscraper - and then I wait until other survivors (There are always other survivors ;)) come around and I'd sell them my supplies (Using "Marky-Dollars" of course) :)
I'd send a letter back through history to inform people that Armageddon is a place, not an event.
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Stockpile. Find somewhere easily fortified / defendable. Just in case. A tower block of some sort would probably fit the bill. Stockpile supplies, very much like I am Leg End. Plenty of petrol, gennies and supplies.
Stockpile. Find somewhere easily fortified / defendable. Just in case. A tower block of some sort would probably fit the bill. Stockpile supplies, very much like I am Leg End. Plenty of petrol, gennies and supplies.

Don't bother with too much petrol, it will be pretty useless in about 12 months or so anyway. Go with LPG or Paraffin if I were you.
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