Armpit Hair?

18 Oct 2002
Latley ive been sweating a lot :/

someone suggested shaving pit hair off, think they were winding me up, just wondered if anyone here goes for the old pit hair removal? obviously the ladies do (i hope, cos if you dont, then thats just skanky!)
My armpit hair is black and quite long at about 3 inches. When I go to the gym it can get a little embarrassing especially when using the lat pull down machine. I trim mine now down to about an inch so my armpits looks a lot more cleaner and when I sweat the smell isn't quite as bad...
Dont shave it. Wax it instead :D

Or you could smear it with mustard before you go out, you will have the nice aroma of mustard then :)
Seeing as mustard was mentioned (which is only good for hair growth - naughty), there are some very good remedies that can be found around the kitchen.

Mix cornflour (or arrowroot) with caster sugar and lemon juice, until it forms a paste - use the back of a spoon to apply to the armpit and leave to dry.
I trim my under arm hair down every once in a while it helps with the smell and sweating and looks better. Would shave it off completly tho thats just crazy!!

Get some triple-dry (I think its called) from Boots.
use it every day for a week then I guarentee you will never sweat under your arms again! Its incredible stuff, just re-apply every two or three days and all your problems will go away.

Trust me, it'll change your life! ;)
If you wash regularly armpit smell shouldn't be a problem. It's also designed to stop skin rubbing on skin and minimise rash - so getting rid of it might not be such a good idea. Women get away with it more as they tend to have less hair, and tend to moisturise more then men, or use ball based deoderants which dries the skin less unlike spray stuff which dries your skin.
Freefaller said:
If you wash regularly armpit smell shouldn't be a problem. It's also designed to stop skin rubbing on skin and minimise rash - so getting rid of it might not be such a good idea. Women get away with it more as they tend to have less hair, and tend to moisturise more then men, or use ball based deoderants which dries the skin less unlike spray stuff which dries your skin.

dont have a problem with the smell. its just feeling self conceinse of the patches!
how old are you? when i was about 16/17 i started sweating like a pornstar but im approaching 21 now and it's chilled out a lot. either that or if you're overweight you sweat more (surface area:volume and all that jazz) so there's a couple of things to consider.

i use right guard extreme with that gimmickey side sprayer thing. seems to work well and it makes me smell beeeautiful.
Sic said:
how old are you? when i was about 16/17 i started sweating like a pornstar but im approaching 21 now and it's chilled out a lot. either that or if you're overweight you sweat more (surface area:volume and all that jazz) so there's a couple of things to consider.

i use right guard extreme with that gimmickey side sprayer thing. seems to work well and it makes me smell beeeautiful.

22 and not overweight by ant stretch of the imagination, using the same anti-per as you :/

maybe im a late bloomer :o
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