Army films please

22 Oct 2004
Im joining the army next year and i would like some army films to watch. Ideally set around this sort of time or even some vietnam films, id like to see them in boot camp doing there training then making finally seeing them put it into action.
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You could close the thread with FMJ lol

Stripes :D
G.I. Jane
Kelly's Heroes is great, but not boot camp :p
In The Army Now lol Pauly shore whatever happened to him lol
Full Metal Jacket is probably the best although it does split into two very distinct segments.

Apocalypse Now (Redux version or not is the question)
The Dirty Dozen
cheers for all the replys heres my list:
Full Metal Jacket
G I Jane
Apocalypse now redux
Hamburger Hill
Mark Of Cain

All for £41.95 :D

Anyway youve already recommeded the above films apart from Hamburger Hill has anyone watched this yet is it any good.
Full Metal Jacket?, isn't that the one were the new recruit puts a bullet through his brain?
I think the OP should forget all about films as the army will tell him what to watch, eat, drink, and how to train along with every other aspect of his life while in service.

Although you'll probably reconsider joining the Army if you watch this (and some/all of those mentioned in this thread!) :p
Good suggestions but i think from the last post i made ill just buy them.

So knowone here seen hamburger hill then, i was just curious to see if its any good.
j00ni said:
Buffalo Soldiers is what I always imagine best represents army life

awesome film, its not a serious army film, has Joaquin Phoenix playing a drug dealing wise cracker who winds up his sergent (i guess its sergent?)

its a feel good film, and sits nicely in my DVD collection :)

Have to add these films to your list..

Jar Head
Buffalo Soldiers
(and Predator -best film ever :cool: )
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