Army films please

what about the series "over there" based on us troops in iraq really enjoyed that program didnt get a 2nd series as there was many political complaints about it apparently.
No Heartbreak Ridge yet? It's superb, so many hilarious lines from Eastwood.
banja said:
'The Hill' is a great film. Set in the past though (WW2 I think), in a military prison. More a drama though.

Sean Connery in one of his 1st film roles i believe.


I don't recall Hamburger Hill being particularly good - pales into comparison to the likes of Platoon n FMJ.
I have to ask, why are you signing up if you have no idea what to expect? Your recruiting officer should have been able to send you on aquaint courses where you could get a feel for the military life and see if it was really for you. If your genuinly trying to work out what military life is like based on a film I suggest you quit, either get out there and experience it or failing that speak to someone who has. My very limited experience of military life was nothing like any movie I've ever seen.
Platoon = Perfect

Hamburger Hill = Good but ruined by terrible dialogue. You can TELL that the actors are embarrassed delivering their lines.

Best war film EVER, with no exceptions, (and I literally don't accept any opinion to the contrary :p ) is:

bakes0310 said:
Well ive just finished watching all my films except Full Metal Jacket.
Im a bit disappointed with them all so far they werent that good.

G I Jane- 7 out of 10
Apocalypse now redux 6 out of 10
Tigerland- 7 out of 10
Platoon-6 out of 10
Hamburger Hill- 5 out of 10
Mark Of Cain- 3 out of 10

I have no 100% idea of what actual army life will be like, well until next year. But none of thoes films really felt real life army life.

I no everyone has an opinion and everything, but giving platoon and apocalypse now both 6/10 is just odd, they are amazing films/

Also try Black Hawk Down, bit more modern based in 1993, imo the greatest film ever lol.
Vibez said:
Again, I insist you watch The Guardian, it's my favourite film :)
not an army film but looks good and looks like its got some strong male bonding, and thats what the army likes to see. So i think the next 2 films ill buy is:
the guardian
black hawk down

anything else :)
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