Asking someone where they are from

Your comments are trying to lessen the racism on the racist, because she is racist also, that doesn't make it any less racist or okay

Nope, those are separate things, that she may be racist herself isn't an argument for or against whether or not someone was racist to her. You're just projecting a flawed argument on my behalf and then criticising it.

Some of the stuff she's done before and after this incident might call into question her motivation, whether she's exaggerated the exact words used etc.. there is no argument that if she's racist then she can't also be the victim of racism.
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It's racist because it's racist, ok :mad:

Correct. It’s being called racist because it was racist.

The fact that some people are resorting to writing PHD length posts about why, if some very specific imaginary circumstances are met, it might not be 100% describable as such, is pretty silly.

And the fact that some people have resorted to indulging in an absolutely ferocious onslaught of NF’s personality, which of course is utterly irrelevant to the question itself (even if I might agree), just shows how desperate those individuals are to absolve “themselves” from the charge of racism; which their over defensiveness, rightly or wrongly, makes them appear guilty of.

It’s just extremely predictable silliness.
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Correct. It’s being called racist because it was racist.

The fact that some people are resorting to writing PHD length posts about why, if some very specific imaginary circumstances are met, it might not be 100% describable as such, is pretty silly.

And the fact that some people have resorted to indulging in an absolutely ferocious onslaught of NF’s personality, which of course is utterly irrelevant to the question itself (even if I might agree), just shows how desperate those individuals are to absolve “themselves” from the charge of racism; which their over defensiveness, rightly or wrongly, makes them appear guilty of.

It’s just extremely predictable silliness.

You don't get to be the authority on what's racist, you can't even make a basic argument that isn't circular.
On a related note, my neighbour popped round earlier, we'd assumed he was English all these years but my wife asked him where's he originally from (meaning which part of England if not Kent) and he just replied "Oh I'm Irish". No hint of any accent or separatist views or anything. Was that racist of her to ask? Nope

Correct. The personal interaction you describe there is nothing remotely like the one we are discussing though so i'm not sure why you thought it was relevant?

The arguments have been repeatedly made by multiple people, and have been repeatedly ignored by multiple others; and it’s precisely for that reason that I’ve not personally bothered to engage. You’re all deeply entrenched because you have emotive stakes in this topic for a variety of reasons.

In truth, it’s all breathtakingly silly and this squirming as a result is hilarious.

This doesn’t accurately describe absolutely everyone that’s taken up arms over this, but it’s no great surprise that racist people are incapable of acknowledging the racism in a racist act; in fact it’s laughably predictable.

The fact that some people have worked so hard to try and detach the label of racism from this quite frankly minor and barely worth acknowledging episode, speaks absolute volumes about their own attitudes and just cements what anyone remotely sensible would have thought about those individuals in the first place.

The fact that the action was racist didn’t need debating; it absolutely was. But this incessant, nonsensical, over defensiveness and pure refusal to acknowledge that basic fault, pushes anyone remotely moderate on the issue like myself, who felt that in spite of her less than stellar behaviour, she shouldn’t be particularly chastised for her out of touch attitude; strongly towards a position of revulsion at the sheer tenacity with which the obvious racist element of the act has been denied.

Honestly, if the response from the OCUK usual suspects had been a simple, “yeah that was insensitive, she should have done better” then that would have been it and I probably would have largely landed on your side of this debate, at least on some of the specifics; but the absolute garbage that’s been spouted since hints at some far more deeply ingrained racism in some of you than I ever realised.

This whole thread has become one giant “thou doth protest too much” - The sooner it dies the better.

Well said.

It has been pointed out multiple times as to why it was racist, but the usual suspects just keep asking and ignoring the actual answers given (i suspect Dowie will ask us to repeat everything that has already been said and explained because that is all he ever does) and not engaging with them.

Instead, we have a nevereneding stream of new people joining th thread asking "is it racist to ask where someone is from?" I was asked where I was from once and it was fine", totally ignoring anything to do with what is actually being debated.

Then we have all the other irrelevant stuff about Ms Fulani's charity being prejudiced (lol), her possibly not being a very nice person, what a random person on twitter thinks of her, exactly what she was wearing, that she changed her name, that she is milking it etc.

Every single one of the above things is meaningless in the context of whether SH was acting in a racist way. It is all just character assassination in an attempt to deflect away from the actual conversation.
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LOL again, it hasn't been pointed out why it was racist. We've had a bunch of people tip-toeing around why they assume it was racist because of the words this lady chose. They all know what she was actually asking, yet they are choosing to infer racism on this conversation because they are reactionary posters without any objectivity.

@Jono8 Seems to believe its been mentioned lots, yet every time the questions get deeper he runs away claiming fallacy :cry:

Then we've got good old @GordyR laughing at how obviously racist it was yet being unable to substantiate with anything other than iT's RacISt bEcAusE itS rACIsT
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LOL again, it hasn't been pointed out why it was racist. We've had a bunch of people tip-toeing around why they assume it was racist because of the words this lady chose. They all know what she was actually asking, yet they are choosing to infer racism on this conversation because they are reactionary posters without any objectivity.

@Jono8 Seems to believe its been mentioned lots, yet every time the questions get deeper he runs away claiming fallacy :cry:

Then we've got good old @GordyR laughing at how obviously racist it was yet being unable to substantiate with anything other than iT's RacISt bEcAusE itS rACIsT

Absolutely not. It has been gone over many times earlier in the thread. You are just choosing to ignore it and not engage with it.
I've engaged plenty, I enquire further directly with you and you refuse to state anything claiming nonsense like the above. Multiple times. Quite telling.

Except this is not based on reality. It is not nonsense, because it is absolutely true. I, and others have explained many times why they consider it racist. I am not re-writing why i think it is racist multiple times, and just for you. Read back through the thread if you are so bothered by it.
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I've engaged plenty, I enquire further directly with you and you refuse to state anything claiming nonsense like the above. Multiple times. Quite telling.

Had this with him in a previous thread. Can never ever back up what he claims. Ask him to quote these posts to support himself and nothing ever materialises.

I believe I asked him to go back under his bridge otherwise I'd set my goats on him.
I've stated the following in my post above:

We've had a bunch of people tip-toeing around why they assume it was racist because of the words this lady chose. They all know what she was actually asking, yet they are choosing to infer racism on this conversation because they are reactionary posters without any objectivity.

Yet this was ignored by him, why?

Any time you delve deeper into their position they run away with the above nonsense.
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"Erroneously" lol good one.

I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few looking at this beyond the surface, as can be seen by the many questions you've chosen to ignore or dismiss (without reason) on multiple occasions.

Again, you've ignored the part I've quoted, telling.
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You don't get to be the authority on what's racist, you can't even make a basic argument that isn't circular.

Don't worry guys, @GordyR has provided irrefutable evidence that the lady was racist because... she was racist. Excellent.


The entire post was prefaced with an explanation that I had no intent on repeating the arguments that have been made by multiple people multiple times, because you and others have repeatedly ignored them or have painstakingly attempted to bat them away on increasingly bizarre and laughable technicalities.

That you’ve chosen to completely ignore that when constructing these two breathtakingly daft responses, is no real surprise.

I suppose It’s helpful to employ selective reasoning when you’re mentally squirming in order to avoid confronting the obvious.

The old proverb rings true:

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink think.

But anyway, I’ll say it again, because it’s becoming increasingly clear what’s going on here - Thou doth protest too much.
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