The arguments have been repeatedly made by multiple people, and have been repeatedly ignored by multiple others; and it’s precisely for that reason that I’ve not personally bothered to engage. You’re all deeply entrenched because you have emotive stakes in this topic for a variety of reasons.
In truth, it’s all breathtakingly silly and this squirming as a result is hilarious.
This doesn’t accurately describe absolutely everyone that’s taken up arms over this, but it’s no great surprise that racist people are incapable of acknowledging the racism in a racist act; in fact it’s laughably predictable.
The fact that some people have worked so hard to try and detach the label of racism from this quite frankly minor and barely worth acknowledging episode, speaks absolute volumes about their own attitudes and just cements what anyone remotely sensible would have thought about those individuals in the first place.
The fact that the action was racist didn’t need debating; it absolutely was. But this incessant, nonsensical, over defensiveness and pure refusal to acknowledge that basic fault, pushes anyone remotely moderate on the issue like myself, who felt that in spite of her less than stellar behaviour, she shouldn’t be particularly chastised for her out of touch attitude; strongly towards a position of revulsion at the sheer tenacity with which the obvious racist element of the act has been denied.
Honestly, if the response from the OCUK usual suspects had been a simple, “yeah that was insensitive, she should have done better” then that would have been it and I probably would have largely landed on your side of this debate, at least on some of the specifics; but the absolute garbage that’s been spouted since hints at some far more deeply ingrained racism in some of you than I ever realised.
This whole thread has become one giant “thou doth protest too much” - The sooner it dies the better.