Dagwood the IDE ports are at the very far end of the motherboard. You'd need a very long card to block them. I doubt even the 12 inch 8800GTX monsters are that long.
12 inch monsters.. sounds wrong..
I would just like to announce that after battling with this board for the past 6 months and helping keep this thread alive and informative I am officially leaving the Asrock DUAL-VSTA behind me. It's been a great board and has thought me how to fix many many problems. Made my upgrade easier and relatively painless.
My only major issue it would seem was my Audigy 2 sound card which has in the past few days corrupted my Windows install. Coupled with some dodgy memory the constant crashes after 30 minutes made my gaming life quite hellish for a while until I finally figured out it was the soundcard and swapped it for an ancient SB Live! 5.1.
So beware the wrath of the Audigy 2 and Asrock Dual-VSTA combination. My Asus P5N-E Sli arrives on monday (fingers crossed) and I have my C drive ready to be wiped and have windows reinstalled on it. I predict many hideous problems but hopefully no show stoppers
Finally I'll be able to do my 6300 justice.