ASRock 775Dual-VSTA for Conroe (Core2) with both AGP/PCI-E and DDR1/DDR2 support

khimbar said:
I have 2 EIDE drives in mine with the X1950Pro and it's fine. Don't even remember it being a hassle to plug them in either. HTH.
Thanks for that khimbar :) Have you got normal ribbon cables or the rounded ones?
khimbar said:
Won't this depend more on your case though?

No, room isn't a problem really, it was just the length of the card and the position of the IDE slots that concerned me.

In saying that, I've been told the X1950 is about 10½ inches long inc room for the molex on the end. Think I better start a thread in Graphics cards to confirm that :o :o

Thanks again khimbar :cool:
Dagwood the IDE ports are at the very far end of the motherboard. You'd need a very long card to block them. I doubt even the 12 inch 8800GTX monsters are that long.

12 inch monsters.. sounds wrong..

I would just like to announce that after battling with this board for the past 6 months and helping keep this thread alive and informative I am officially leaving the Asrock DUAL-VSTA behind me. It's been a great board and has thought me how to fix many many problems. Made my upgrade easier and relatively painless.

My only major issue it would seem was my Audigy 2 sound card which has in the past few days corrupted my Windows install. Coupled with some dodgy memory the constant crashes after 30 minutes made my gaming life quite hellish for a while until I finally figured out it was the soundcard and swapped it for an ancient SB Live! 5.1.

So beware the wrath of the Audigy 2 and Asrock Dual-VSTA combination. My Asus P5N-E Sli arrives on monday (fingers crossed) and I have my C drive ready to be wiped and have windows reinstalled on it. I predict many hideous problems but hopefully no show stoppers :)

Finally I'll be able to do my 6300 justice.
Darg said:
Dagwood the IDE ports are at the very far end of the motherboard. You'd need a very long card to block them. I doubt even the 12 inch 8800GTX monsters are that long.

12 inch monsters.. sounds wrong..

I would just like to announce that after battling with this board for the past 6 months and helping keep this thread alive and informative I am officially leaving the Asrock DUAL-VSTA behind me. It's been a great board and has thought me how to fix many many problems. Made my upgrade easier and relatively painless.

My only major issue it would seem was my Audigy 2 sound card which has in the past few days corrupted my Windows install. Coupled with some dodgy memory the constant crashes after 30 minutes made my gaming life quite hellish for a while until I finally figured out it was the soundcard and swapped it for an ancient SB Live! 5.1.

So beware the wrath of the Audigy 2 and Asrock Dual-VSTA combination. My Asus P5N-E Sli arrives on monday (fingers crossed) and I have my C drive ready to be wiped and have windows reinstalled on it. I predict many hideous problems but hopefully no show stoppers :)

Finally I'll be able to do my 6300 justice.
Goodluck with it Darg. I too moved from the VSTA to a DS3P but thanks for all the help.
Aaah to be n00b again!

I have just received my 4CORE. I have a 20+4 pin PSU cable from my Enermax Liberty. The board has a 20 PIN power connector and another square 4 PIN power connector.

The PSU manual says that this connector is not for CPU. Do I need some sort of 4 pin adapter from molex? i.e. Molex 4 Pin Square Connector?

Thanks in advance.

[EDIT] Ha ha - n00b. I had tidied the 4 pin connectors away behind the PSU!

All is well.
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Well done mate! I installed mine today. Got 2.7GHz with stock voltage and cooling. i.e. 300 FSB. Hoping for 333, but may have to volt mod - doesn't even boot! Good luck with the 4400.

doing it on mismatched PC2700 DDR so heaven knows what divider that is. My 2 gigs of Kingston DDRII 667 arrive monday...
Maybe the 1950 Pro version would be almost as good and it would leave you with some extra cash to start you on your savings for a DX10 card in Q3/4 of this year when there are cheap decent ones.

I just got a cheap 7900GS for that purpose.

Just a note to others here. I have had a problem the last week or so with constant crashing every 30 minutes or less when just using windows and instantly upon starting a 3D application. I seem to have discovered the source of this as having set the PCI-E frequency to 101 instead of the default 100. I'd recommend 100, 107 or 109 as all these worked for me in the past. Generally the safest with a PCI-E card is 100.
Not all PCIe graphics card work absolutely 100% in the 4x slot as it's not a true PCIe slot, so try and make certain that your chosen card will work with your board.
I havent actually heard of a card not working at all in this board. Someone a few pages back had a 8800GTS working fine with the board. Of course the performance would be bottlenecked quite severely.
Well i'll find out soon enough as my 4CoreDual-VSTA, E4400 & X1950XT turned up today :cool:

Is there anythin that i need to know/do prior to the build? Thinking motherboard or BIOS really.

This will be my first Intel setup.

Hmm run in to a problem with my board and the ballistix on offer this week.

Its the 5300 stuff that I have, I have set the freq to 667. Cas of 3 and the rest 5,5,15 just to be safe. I have selected 2T command rate and HL2 still crashes after a while.

DRAM voltage is on high, but what actual voltage is that? these things need 2.2v to run cas 3 according to OcUK product specs.
bilston said:
Hmm run in to a problem with my board and the ballistix on offer this week.

Its the 5300 stuff that I have, I have set the freq to 667. Cas of 3 and the rest 5,5,15 just to be safe. I have selected 2T command rate and HL2 still crashes after a while.

I take it the machine was running fine before with some other RAM in it? I know there is some issue withhaving to reduce the overclock with DDR2 RAM as opposed to DDR RAM - are you running a high-ish overclock (285MHz FSB+)?

You may have to wind some of that off to be stable.

Is the system Orthos stable?

bilston said:
DRAM voltage is on high, but what actual voltage is that? these things need 2.2v to run cas 3 according to OcUK product specs.

That's not quite correct - they are rated up to 2.2V. I've got mine running 100% stable 4-3-3-8-10-2T@425MHz/850MHz using 2.0V.
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