Assange to go!

So you think that he is innocent because he is famous?

Bottom line is that Sweden has a robust and fair justice system and if he has been accused of a crime then he should stand trial like anyone else.

If he is innocent or guilty is for thr Swedish court to decide on the evidence put to them.

I didn't say that.

What I did say is that I find it very suspicious that at exactly the point that he finally annoys America enough that they start taking serious notice of him, he gets two rape allegations thrown at him.
I'm completely undecided on what to make of this, but I fancy playing devil's advocate..
How so? He is alleging that the charges are cooked. If that is the case, it is EU (and UK, I believe) law that he be protected and granted asylum if necessary.

Also irrelevant. It's not the court's business to judge the laws of another country (save persecution or similar - something rather unlikely in Sweden). Nice way not to improve your standing, nonetheless.
That is exactly the allegations he is making, that he is being persecuted.. therefore completely relevant!

That would be the jurisdiction of the Swedish courts, not ours. Irrelevant.
Not so irrelevant. EU law/human rights stipulates that someone can only be extradited where they will face a fair and humane trial. I believe they are contesting that the death penalty is not humane, and that the trial itself will not be fair. We're in the EU, thus it is very much our jurisdiction.

So the only case to answer is whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant the extradition in the first place. If there is (and the court obviously decided there was), then appeal denied!
Not so, everything will be investigated again for such a high profile case, particularly with the above points.

Nothing was put forward until after the reveal, and some of the events go back years. Yet seemingly no woman had complained up until that point.

It's nothing more than finding something irrelevant about somebody because you dislike a totally unrelated event that happens afterwards.

Rape's a perfect topic to get people stirred up against him.
One thing that has happened since these charges against Assange were made, is that we've all but stopped talking about the massacre of innocent civilians by USAF helicopter pilots.
Britain and sweden do have good justice systems in general but when america decides they want something to happen, most countries bend over.

Lets not kid ourselves, we have made decisions over the years that have lost lives, been illegal and down right un-democratic at Americas behest.

The rape allegations have been there for a good while as far as I understand but they were thrown out as a judge had previously said that the case was *******. They have been dug up again since then due to the wiki leaks.
Apparently one of the women was so upset with being raped that she Twittered him happily for a few days after the event.
Obviously these had to be deleted for the Americans to make a case with the Swedish to start the extradition proceedings.

If he is proven guilty in Sweden, he should serve time there.

If the US has such a strong case against him regarding Wikileaks, why are they not directly extraditing him from here?

The bloke seems like a total dick anyway and probably deserves everything that's coming to him.
I think you should go in his place.
Britain and sweden do have good justice systems in general but when america decides they want something to happen, most countries bend over.

Lets not kid ourselves, we have made decisions over the years that have lost lives, been illegal and down right un-democratic at Americas behest.

Allowing Wikileaks to keep revealing military information could cost lives too.
One thing that has happened since these charges against Assange were made, is that we've all but stopped talking about the massacre of innocent civilians by USAF helicopter pilots.

We've also stopped talking about the Taliban using villages as cover.
Allowing Wikileaks to keep revealing military information could cost lives too.
It's Wikileak's fault that the US invades countries it shouldn't?

We should all cheer and smile when the US kills another unarmed civilian?

No. Completely relevant - you shouldn't extradite people to places where they will not get a fair trial. The judge obviously thought there wasn't evidence of that in this case though.

Actually I did cover the unfair trial 'angle' (admittedly not using those exact words). That'd likely get us a day in court in front of the ECHR if we did extradite under those circumstances.

If extraditing to sweden would result in extradition to the us, this could be the case.

Given the UK has just about the most favourable extradition terms with the US possible, how would Sweden extraditing to the US be any different from us doing it, and how is it going to be any more likely?

As a general point (i.e. not specific to this case), how could extradition from Sweden to the US be any more unfair or inhumane than from the UK to US? (death penalty aside)
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I'm not advocating what he done by any means in releasing all the confidential documents. To be frank, I don't know what to make of it and it seemingly hasn't caused me any threat and so I'm assuming my country isn't in any more terrible danger either.

But regardless of all that, I do not think it is just a coincidence that this is brought up now that all the documents have been leaked and are continuing (apparently) to be leaked.

Just this ounce of corruption in the air is enough to make me think no we shouldn't extradite him to Sweden in case he is punished there and then sent to the States where he could face the death penalty.

And I'm actually pro-capital punishment as well. But in this instance I don't think he deserves to ultimately go to the states and possibly be put to the needle. There's too much uncertainty of that occurring for me to think it justified to extradite him.
I didn't say that.

What I did say is that I find it very suspicious that at exactly the point that he finally annoys America enough that they start taking serious notice of him, he gets two rape allegations thrown at him.

Which is largely irrelevant.

Then accusations are made and he is required to face them. Sweden is not Iran, he will get a fair trial and if he is innocent he will be able to put his case and that is all that need be required by the British Courts to allow extradition.

Whether the accusations are false or not (I don't think they are) is not for us to decide, it is for the Swedish Courts to decide.

If the United States think they have a case against him for espionage then they can apply for an extradition warrant themselves which would be far easier to get from Britain than Sweden anyway.
It's a war and they sure as hell aren’t going to throw sparklers.

Frag grenades are an interesting choice of weapon when trying to avoid collateral damage. The americans have very little regard for anything but their own objectives.

I cannot see how anyone can defend americas actions in the last 10 years generally. There is very little good to say about their country and its effect on the world.

Americas arrogance will eventually be their downfall, hopefully in the next 10 or so years as other economies surpass them and start telling america to **** off.
Just this ounce of corruption in the air is enough to make me think no we shouldn't extradite him to Sweden in case he is punished there and then sent to the States where he could face the death penalty.

Are you suggesting that the courts or legal system in Sweden is corrupt or incompetent? That's what this line of reasoning boils down to. Sure, courts in some countries can be 'bought' or are little more than a thin veneer over the political apparatus, but this argument only really works if this is the case in Sweden.
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