Fixed that for you...
If Assange wants to secure his long term liberty he had better be able to stump up something like actual evidence or collusion between Trump and his associates and the Russians....
#freeassange would be trending pretty soon if he did
He deserves his punishment for breaching bail and the Swedes can consider their position now but all eyes will be on what that usa does or doesn't do from now on.
A USA run by Trump whom you assert was elected because of assanges help?
Why is there this contradiction?
Surely the trump administration has no need to arrest him, why would his liberty be at odds if not for evidence of said administrations awfulness? Surely if he released such things, the Administration would be running to deal with him.
The gop will have him anyway because he hurt the image of their precious military, regardless of his current politically charged pathos. He has no friends.