Assange to go!

He leaked secret information. Whether you view that as good or not depends on how you consider national security. this was mildly interesting but achieved exactly nothing.

He then went totally whacko before working with Russians to hack Democrat emails which surprise surprise, didn't reveal anything remotely interesting in the slightest.

He has no dead mans switch. He lies and lies and lies about information he supposedly has but when the time comes he hasn;t released anything remotely interesting in years. Lie after lie about Clinton emails and supposed scandals that never amounted to more than a damp fart.

I did actually read some of wikileaks, 99% of what they leaked is pretty mundane. Literally just day to day internal workings of governments and organisations. Sometimes people argue with each other over email, who cares. Might be slightly interesting if you work there but for everyone else, nope.

I've worked behind the curtains and it's pretty boring most of the time. The few geniune cases where something illegal has happened (and gets found out) get dealt with properly without plastering it all over the internet. Assange etc make it sound like the government actually orders troops to do illegal things, but it's not the case. Courts can't use the data wikileaks publish as evidence (it might even scupper a case), so they really aren't helping.
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And to those who have the memory of goldfish, on WHY Assange is been persecuted,

From the Commons today, Mrs Abbott.

Ofc nothing to see here... All are conspiracy theories........

She got well slapped down in the commons for saying that 'we on this side of the house would be most unhappy to see Assange extradited to the US'. As if it would not be a judicial decision but a political one. Well it could have been if Labour were in power and Ms Abbot were Home Secretary. God forbid.
I keep seeing comments online calling him a rapist but I thought all charges against him had been dropped and it was widely considered to be nonsense ? or did they drop charges simply because he was never going to go back to Sweden to face them ?
Britain will do whatever its American master wants especially as they will need a trade deal post Brexit.

Ecudor kicked him out on their own (and I gather it was them who called the police to come and collect him). Ecudor also want to improve relations with the US.

Why would the UK risk relations with the US over one nutter, who has only ever been a problem for them?
I keep seeing comments online calling him a rapist but I thought all charges against him had been dropped and it was widely considered to be nonsense ? or did they drop charges simply because he was never going to go back to Sweden to face them ?

I think Sweden have some law bit like the Statute of Limitation where you can't be prosecuted under the right variables. Doesn't mean he's innocent though, pretty sure I read that.
I keep seeing comments online calling him a rapist but I thought all charges against him had been dropped

The charges were never dropped. They merely conceded the impossibility of getting Assange to face court. The statute of limitations will kill the case in 2020.

The circumstance cited as the reason for the discontinuation of the investigation was that there was “no reason to believe the decision to surrender [Assange] to Sweden can be executed in the foreseeable future.” (The Investigation Against Julian Assange Is Discontinued, supra.)

Ny specifically noted that further prosecution of the case against Assange requires his physical presence before a Swedish court, something she considered unlikely to take place.

...A discontinuation of the investigation does not mean that the charges against Assange have been dropped. The investigation can be reopened until the statute of limitations for the rape charge runs out in 2020.


and it was widely considered to be nonsense ?

No it wasn't.

or did they drop charges simply because he was never going to go back to Sweden to face them ?

They never dropped the charges.
haha yea I did wonder, he is a douche, im glad we agree.

Indeed - sorry again, classic case of talking before reviewing all the facts :p I often agree a lot of what Christopher Hitchins puts forward and the article you posted speaks volumes regarding the actual agenda of Assange. Thanks for posting it.
lol, you're talking about credibility ? Aren't you the guy who is so far down the right wing rabbit hole that you've managed to convince yourself that a demographic of hundreds of millions of liberals all want to destroy western civilisation.

edit: quick search, yup, you're that guy :D
I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm happy if you can elaborate a bit. Fairly sure you can't tho.
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